Aquarius Tarot 2013 Horoscope
'Judgment' is the card received by the Aquarians. You can be termed as lucky as you have got one of the most pious cards. Your ability of looking at things from the eyes of your soul will be enhanced. You will learn to look at the brighter side rather than going for the negative aspect. This card indicates that the Almighty is pleased with you and is bestowing his blessings on you. You might not only receive happiness but will also create the path to the happiness yourself. The pink color of the card is the symbol of pure love. This color signifies love of God for you and also that your life will be fulfilled with the beauty of love. The other things present on your card that is the wings of an angel signifies that you will be supported in all your deeds by the people you love and the Almighty as well. Support and love of everyone around will lead you toward good deeds and these deeds will definitely bless you in future. Enjoy the time and be thankful to the divine power.
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