TAROTSCOPE by Laura Boyle
Week Commencing the 31st December, 2012
December 22 - January 20
The goat has been putting on a mask of contentment for some time now and with the year coming to a close he feels it is time to take steps forward in life and bring closure to situations. There is likely to be much communication, some positive, some negative, mid week but try as he might, there are just some situations where he will have to be patient.
January 21 - February 18
The year end on a balanced note but by mid week things have dramatically changed. There will be inner struggles, a feeling of being stabbed in the back, a feeling of being slighted. The World, symbolises a new cycle for the water bearer and by the end of this week he will be moving into much happier times. The start of happy new beginnings, possibly romance!
February 19 - March 20
Did you overspend during Christmas? A feeling of being cheated where money is concerned leaves a sour taste and the fish may well struggle until his next pay cheque! He will also be considering the future where certain friendships and partnerships are concerned. There seems to be one particular person who is causing him to swim round and round in circles.
March 21 - April 20
The calm after the storm of last week. Things are looking much more balanced for the ram. Mid week the pace seems to quicken with the Chariot in your spread. Beware, for when the chariot charges down the street, everything goes flying. Less haste more speed. If you decide to charge ahead you will find yourself facing a wall of opposition and restriction.
April 21 - May 21
The week focuses on a male energy and the Sun card in your spread seems extremely positive. Things seem to be well in balance. Mid week sees a shift and what seemed good is no longer - there seems to be a division or a split with someone special. At the end of this week the bull will find himself breaking by force the chains which are keeping him shackled.
May 22 - June 21
Twin flames, two people who have a very strong cosmic bond, but before you proceed further just be absolutely certain that you are going in the right direction as it is unlikely you will be able retrace your steps. There are new work opportunities for some and for others a time of renewed effort in other areas of your life. 2013 sets you up in a position of strength.
June 22 - July 22
A busy start to the week for the crab as he finds himself trying to keep all the balls in the air. He is still reluctant to try a new direction, to take a different path and mid week his frustration is evident. Despite all, he will find himself exploring environments new and with the Star is in his spread, he will feel, that at last, that he is now on the track to success.
July 23 - August 23
Finances and communication in connection to work issues are highlighted at the start of this week. Don't be too disheartened if things do not go according to plan - just bear with at the present time. You will find yourself mulling over your situation and the key is to go with your gut feelings towards the end of this week, but try not to be too impulsive at this stage.
August 24 - September 22
Changes need to be made with regard to a female energy. The foundations are there and relationships and friendships can be built on but the operative word is can. Consider your options for 2013 with great care - don't clutch at straws, look at what is going to serve you best in the long term, not the short. The cusp of 2012 - 2013 is likely to be pretty hectic.
September 23 - October 23
Meetings are likely to go well at the start of the week and for many there will be the start of building up emotional relationships. Changes in the working environment mid week are not necessarily to your liking - a clear decision will have to be made. You will feel like walking away from the situation but the financial incentive might just hold your interest!
October 24 - November 22
Relationships are well aspected at the close of 2012 and at the opening of 2013. Your time may be difficult to manage at this time, but manage you will. There is likely to be some unexpected good news where your finances are concerned and that will enable you to kick start 2013 and make those changes for which you have been yearning for for so long now.
November 23 - December 21
2012 ends on a quiet note for the archer but not for long. Mid week there will be tears, frustrations and a feeling of one's hands being tied. He will want to rush things forward, to try to break free but by doing this chaos will reign, so please take note! Leave important life decisions until the end of January as the archer is unlikely to be seeing or thinking clearly!
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