Libra Tarot 2013 Horoscope
People of Libra sign have got 'Five of coins' card. This card shows that life for you in 2013 is going to be very easy. You will have to try very hard to feel some happiness. But difficulties don't mean that you won't get success. Keep yourself calm and composed in all matters and strive for the best only. Your family might fall apart at times, as this card is also an indicator of struggle in personal as well as professional life. You will be bluffed by incidents happening right in front of your eyes. It is better for you to trust your inner self rather than falling for the things in first sight. Aggression will also overpower you in 2013 as it comes naturally with this card. Being enraged will not help you in any case. You will realize that your life is going through a change. You must accept the change with grace and should work hard in order to give that change a positive turn. Due to this card, it can't be said that you will be stable in terms of finance. Struggling with patience will make all the things fine gradually.
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