The lucky card tells us that everything moves, rotates, changes direction, remembers nothing like unstoppable movement of the wheel remains fixed in the Universe ... There are new circumstances imposed by fate as past acts, possibilities of change the evolutionary cycle, the target is met at a spiritual level and the person looking for new targets.
ARIES- THE DEVIL (R) advises us to distrust everything and everyone. The current situation fraught with negativity, dangers outside oneself, is rooted in attitudes and decisions of the past. Before this letter tells us that we are free of dependencies ... Watch your diet, as this could have serious consequences. Usually indicate overcome temptations, vices that achieve left, break harmful habits, bad hobbies that you regret, s fights and marital and family conflict (but not as severe as when the right), lack of order in the family economy, mismanagement family or business; risk that the spouse, parents or bosses learn of a bad performance of the consultant; risk of becoming a victim of anonymous calls threatening or evil people not disclosed; condition of fraud or breach of trust by a family, clashes with laws. Risk of unwanted pregnancy ...
TAURUS- The High Priestess Isis - Governs the magic spells and lunar night. Pisces Moon or Sun in Piscis.La harsh reality experienced extreme degree. Loss of innocence. We recommend studying and meditating to achieve their arcane metas.Este speaks of inner spiritual growth, ensuring success when events are fully mature, our projects must keep it secret. We encourage caution and reflection. Assimilate the messages only with the heart, not the intellect. Beware of the pitfalls of inner turmoil and hear the messages of the unconscious, which will tell us the best way forward. Look beyond the obvious and superficial, dark and occult. She also asks you to call the enormity of your potential and to remember the unlimited possibilities you have in you.The Sacerdotisapuede
represent a time of waiting and permissiveness. The curtain that is behindThe Priestess
represents the union in a whole (in one piece or personality) of trends emanating from the left and right and at the same time, highlight the option, what is hidden, what is not seen with the naked eye . Even states that veil which you have to know cover, cover or obscure what others are not yet ready to see. Hence, in addition to the discretion to be a letter indicating the danger of revealing a secret or intimacy that harms someone. It also means that you have to be careful with what you say and explain to others, as the indiscretion may bring unexpected troubles. It is not always necessary to act to achieve our goals. Sometimes they can be performed through a pause that gives an opportunity to the desire to flourish in the fullness of time.
GEMINI- HIGH PRIEST AMON The Hidden. Sun in Taurus. Run, you fear required, but do not tell anyone. Advises us to be more determined in the fight against temptations; should discuss the situation with more forward looking. Help. An unexpected protection that enhances a delicate situation. The letter represents the master of the wise counsel, diplomacy and legality assurance as well as advantageous contacts with young people ... The Pope represents spiritual authority and knowledge of the laws governing the cosmos, when we follow the path and came to this Arcane we must ask to our knowledge the Seven Hermetic Principles and where we are able to understand and therefore live in harmony with the universe and with its seven planes of existence. You can preach or business relationships in the plans or, alternatively, disappointments, conflicts, disputes or complaints about having someone of the clergy against. As a spiritual counselor and patriarch also often represents the father, the family, the teacher, the guru or the man you most admire and who has special psychic influence on us. It's wise counsel, moral rectitude, scholarly guidance, awareness, knowledge gained through the study, the mystical and esoteric wisdom, religious and missionary vocation. The High Priest always refers to jobs, professions and businesses to assist, serve, heal and comfort the others, including medicine, sociology, psychology and occult practices. This card invites us to study deeper wisdom.
CANCER- THE SUN (R) Sun in Aries. He advises us not to abandon the right path. Arcane investment transforms all its positivity, which had clarity and optimism, is now darkness, disputes and misunderstandings. Generosity has become selfish. Careful what you say, because the kingdom of the word is very negative, especially disharmony. The person going through a difficult time but instead of accepting the advice, takes refuge in solitude and arrogance. Ill-treated, trying to prove what is not. With regard to love and marriage refers to the opposite of the right when it comes out, well, talks about fighting, fighting, disharmony, unhappiness, broken engagement, divorce, separation, family or social impediments to marry the loved one, and so on. A happiness only in appearance. Inability to see the way forward, literary or artistic talent is not accepted or understood by the public, fame and fortune are not met.
LEO- THE HANGED Neptune in Pisces. Everything grows and everything dies. We suggest, adapt to circumstances. This Arcanum symbolizes devotion, disinterest in the things of this world, the current investment thanks to a personal decision, ideals achieved, release because of the sacrifice. Capacity of dedication to a person or cause, it's better to be quiet, repentance. Hidden actions, communication with the beyond, healing, regeneration, extraordinarios.No events to sacrifice too much ... This card speaks of the dynamics of conflict with our family tree, something is hidden from us, are often family secrets that keep us from growing . This letter communicates the idea of immobility, lack of freedom, of stagnation, when stationary, of ties, of paralysis, which translated into vulgar language mean the situation that prompted the inquiry (whether personal or commercial) will continue stationary, that be maintained without cambios.Bloqueo or inability to act.
VIRGO- TRUCK falcon god Horus. For once be you, God. Mars in Cancer. The freedom won. Search for new things. We advised fight with courage and conscience to defend our rights. The trump card tells us that the person faced with courage their goals, who lives with enthusiasm as challenges against himself. It comes a time where you have to fight for the deep desires. So, overall, is a mystery more materialistic than spiritual, accounting and material ambitions crematísticas, worldly achievements and economic and social achievements that push us toward the crystallization of our destiny. Positively, in response to a question, and one card is a card that suggests success, triumph, victory, accomplishment, acquisition, domain, or achieving what you want. Expresses continuity or forward movement, march towards the goal, progress towards this objective, progress towards final victory. Same may indicate issues that are put in place, positive developments to come, as the acceleration in matters already going well. It is important to be clear about our goals and move towards them without doubt. Projects for easy carrying, victory, overcoming difficulties, unexpected aid. The man driving the car with charge, does not require physical strength. Only his will and wish you carry on ... The car symbolizes the material currents that guide man towards his future. And that he is a confident, with clear goals and inner strength to achieve them. It's time to decide what are the desires and goals that move us forward. And decide how we will put ourselves in the coming fight. Life fills us with fears and doubts. What we can do to overcome the obstacles?
LIBRA- STAR NEJABIT -The Goddess Vulture.Sun in Aquarius. He advises us not give up hope. You are following the right path, heaven help, remember that the more you receive in return.The Starsymbolizes the powers of mediums, omens, dreams, astral influences positive occult protections. The letter of hope, represents the end point, the conclusion of what has been done in the past, a pleasure, a reward, a realization of dreams and hopes. But so much youth, we can take care of immaturity so will not "mess up" ... It tells us that we are embarking on what we have referred to and approval, enjoyed the favor of heaven. It is a symbol of hope, we are doomed to what we propose. It is an arcane enlightening, shows us the way, in a totally positive. Historically it is related to the sign of Aquarius, which is represented as a man pouring water from a pitcher. But there are also some reference to the myth of Pandora's box. Among their more general meanings indicates success in business, and what we take, especially if it is academic. It signals hope for improvement in all aspects. The dream will come true, that ideal we desire in life can achieve.
SCORPIO- THE FINAL JUDGMENT Uranus in Aquarius. The clarity of ideas to the world. Around convictions. Do not get your hands dirty with mud, because it take long to wipe. Always reveals a transformation, a change, implying a final decision on the step in view of a new plan for the future, which can be as momentous as a total change of life, attitude and even, sometimes personality, all in view As a mean release of the previous stage. He advises us not to waste time, act quickly. Everything turn out perfectly. Judgment is the moment of truth in which the material is separated from the spiritual. The trumpet angel arcana contained in a symbol of annunciation, notification, whether personal change and social transformation. It's time to open your eyes to a new world, a new way of being, feeling and seeing things, to separate the true from the false, the wheat from the chaff, and to take decisions, ignoring or sacrificing what is obsolete, it has already terminated. In the highest, the angel playing trumpet, calls the resurrection, so that human beings out of their graves, ie abandon the graves of ignorance and open your eyes to another world of higher wisdom, to another reality more educated and responsible. The elucidation of the situations and doubts. Definite change of position, promotion, money in school and at work, personal conflicts and court cases are resolved brilliantly wrong situations become clear, the obstacles and problems were overcome by sudden and great thoughts ...
SAGITTARIUS- THE MOON Moon in Pisces. We advise relying on intuition. This ArcanumThe MoonSymbolizes fluid solutions linked to intuition, imagination, prophetic dreams. Reassured that when you leave this Arcanum in the roll indicates that the tricks concocted the detriment of the person will not have any consequences. The letter triumphs memory, intuition everything that implies an indirect approach. We will have to consider everything about the mother, the family, the house, maybe we move or we are thinking of doing. In the negative and dangerous cautions against being a victim of lies, fraud, cheating, lies, snares, abuse of trust (by intimate or family), travel or contacts will not unwelcome as is conceived, mistakes, lies, defamation , slander, anonymous attacks, social or family scandal caused by other, embezzlement, etc. .., so, while alerts the consultant to learn to be cautious, to keep your mouth shut and do not explain or intimate questions familiar to anyone, let alone in public. In this regard, a letter foreshadowing that must be guarded against false female friendships. Money unexpected ...
CAPRICORN- temperance Venus in Taurus. We advised to avoid excessive efforts and passions, always stick to moderation.Temperanceis like a crystal ball ... ProvidesClarity.The patient and methodically diverted water from a jug on the other, symbolizing the peaceful flow of life, to be accepted without fear or oppositions. Leads us to look at the experiences that we have tested in life leaving us grow. See and learn from each. Sometimes, this letter points to situations and circumstances in which the person or consultant will test your ability to balance and harmonize different interests or positions, are household, family, professional, social, commercial, political, etc., So also usually means timing, harmony and good relationships, whether with a spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend, parents, bosses, teachers, friends. Other senses of this arcana are calm face of difficulties or conflicts, to the pleasures continence, ability to adapt to new situations or personal or social circumstances. It is an indication of the problems we face. What matters is advancing in an evolutionary direction towards improvement and progress ...
PISCES- EL LOCO Hothep. The Lord of the Garden of Delights. Uranus in Scorpio. We recommend not to get discouraged and continue along the same path. Luck, energy, enthusiasm, brilliant ideas. Courage to go against the voice of truth, without conditions, or ties or affections. This letter means, no doubt, movement, travel, travel, change, but in an unexpected, impromptu, unplanned. It's forward motion without a fixed plan or thought, but improvised, regardless what is behind too and the future that awaits. Draws the person living and enjoying the present, it takes all the juice you can at once, regardless of the damage they may cause. He laughs and takes advantage of those who care to study and to work to make their way in life through sacrifice, patience and work. New projects, unexpected changes, positive situation that should catch the flight, decisions to make. Rest. Mild discomfort ... The inner child takes its first steps. Creative and capable. Original. Spontaneous.
AQUARIUS- FORCE . BASTET Rays of the Sun Moon in Leo. Love above ... Loyalty to a cause or person.Persuasionis more powerful than violence. If a violent person wants to attack, he sent a kind word and it appeases their violence. Who stabs you today, tomorrow will ask for mercy. We advise, act alone, without hesitation, decides strongly distrusting powerful protection. Strength, power, magnetism, courage bordering on recklessness, combativeness, heroism, ambition, self-confidence, conviction, self-control, generosity, sincerity. Overall, then, is a letter that means physical and moral strength, firmness of will, sense of responsibility and discipline, unwavering and dominating personality, ability to lead and command, magnanimity, energy and ability to cope successfully with personal or professional problems . When the questioner is a woman and gets much this secret in his favor, usually means that you will have to take over household economic or company, as the husband is or is not qualified to do so. Fidelity feelings. Team activities. The wishes of the client will be met with the help of the person you love ...
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