Sagittarius Tarot 2013 Horoscope
Card for Sagittarians is 'The World'. This card is like a jackpot for you people as it suits your personality the best. 'The World' is a proper indicator of journeys. There is no doubt in saying that you might travel a lot this year. But, the symbol of this card also signifies adaptation of culture to the each wandered place. You will learn to adapt in any kind of situation with ease with the purpose of survival or earning living. You are a free spirit indeed and person who like to take risks, but sometimes you need to be less adventurous and wiser. This card is endowing all the things that you require. You will be more understanding and will also learn to go through all the pros and cons. The card comprises a person who travelled the world and learned everything by analyzing different aspects. Therefore, this card is granting you the quality of analyzing things intelligently. You are not at all a quitter and the card is adding stars to this quality of yours. You will know the worth of any task that you take in hand and will complete it successfully.
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