Psychic Vampires
Written in positive energy , mythological explanation
The psychic vampirism results in an increase in the energy reserves of psychic vampire or exhaustion and wear the other person's energy.
Although interaction "vampire" lasts only a few minutes, the residual effects on the victim can be noticed for several days. The lack of energy, dizziness, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, headaches and nausea are some of the most common effects felt by the victims, but successive attacks of this type can cause chronic fatigue, disorders sleep, irritability, depression and even physical illness.
Some authors believe it is due to an underdeveloped aura, the subject vampire, and a lack of energy resources that affect the development of this system adaptation and "survival" . They are easy to recognize because of the effects that leave, and to contact a subsequent issue. Who has not had companions, friends, after he left, we feel sad, negative, weighing on the soul.
An energy vampire may or may not be psychic in the usual sense, but in this case this terminology means, psychic ability to exhaust other energy or life force.
It also means that an individual can tire the thought, emotions, life force, the mental and the physical forces of another person, this is the most common sense, regardless of any esoteric dimension.
Psychic vampires have a variety of personality traits and behavior patterns. Many of them adopt the well-known stereotype of "hypocrite" or behave flattering. Many believe they are unscrupulous people but I have come to believe that they are not aware of what they leave. Passive, active falsely, or very players who constantly need others to interfere in their circle to feel balance in your life, by supporting others, are a mirage of independence, so that they would not be able to survive without this set of around. In this sense, despite the disguises behind which are hidden, psychic vampires are typically insecure and vulnerable, but may adopt a style self-sufficient, operating from a position of weakness, not of power. Are these frail, sickly, to whom everything happens, have bad luck and make use of this weakness to find a stronger personality they can use at a vital time given.
My only personal resource has been away from the person who caused me such effects, these people could not understand the distance, like a three swords stuck in the heart, because from the sensitivity, how can you say to someone you feel that is bad for you, when, in his behavior, says having you affection?
Do you have any resources to contribute, experiences?
I leave you, finally, a typology of personalities as Isaac Fernández , of vampires:
ILLUMINATED . - This vampire sucks his victims into believing that he transmits and performs "miracles" through his great "enlightenment". Hypnotized and unsuspecting victims, donate their riches or what they can to get their due, (including the subsequent dependence on them and "slavery" to their projects, as we become addicted and will power itself in various forms, a constant payment without being aware of it)
Moralist. - Chupa its victims subjecting them to rigid moral controls, and restrictions imposed strictures. The victims live in fear with the idea of being the object of his wrath.
ALTRUISTIC . - It comes as Guru, Master and Savior of souls. He tells his victims that do not charge anything for the service of "salvation" but with advancing the draining slowly going through "voluntary donations" that eventually become obligations. While the vampire becomes increasingly wealthy, its victims become increasingly poor.
DRIVER . - It is one of the worst kinds of vampires, it is disguised as kindness and through this quality sucks every drop of blood from their victims. Almost always seems to offer and work in the best interest of their victims, which are terribly blamed when they begin to free themselves from the stifling control of the vampire.
COLLECTOR . - Cobra always, primarily that which does not belong. He likes to present himself as the creator of the world and believe you are entitled to everything, of course without ever giving anything.
Gossiper . - Adora spread gossip. Their motto is always in the back slander. Through impiedosos comments generally unfounded and always creating a climate conducive to suck their victims.
Moody . - They choose their victims handing his temper. Their main source of energy is to get someone cranky like him.
ANSWERING . - Every word or gesture of this vampire contains an express or implied claim. He opposes all demands, claims, protest without stopping. More as their claims have little or no basis, rarely gets to defend or justify their protests.
Flatterer . - Massage the ego of his victim, covering it with false praise.
HELPLESS . - does everything to arouse pity and sympathy for its victims. It appears as a poor victim, before life and the world.
Fatal . - Advertise and anticipates all sorts of misfortunes. Through dramatic forecasts and ominous prophecies, tends to create fear and panic in their victims, to get them out any hope for the present and future.
STICKY . - Invest in the sensuality and sexuality of the victim. He's always making the game of seduction.
SPEAKER . - Speech at the elbows and forces his victims to hear hours and hours at a time, thus maintaining attention, while feeding vital energy of his listeners.
Hypochondriac. - Every day is a new disease, is his way of drawing attention to their victims, awakening in them concern, compassion and care.
Authoritarian . - Use all prerogatives of power to subdue their victims, making them feel inferior and in very small before his great omnipresence.
ENVIOUS . - Their victims are defenseless creatures, because the vampire, and this is not known because their victims perceived as unworthy to possess some talent, property or affection he would like for himself. This is a specimen capable of the most horrendous cruelties to its victims.
Freeloader . - is presented as a caring person who wants to "help" but actually is stealing all his ideas to make them your own.
I agree that it is difficult to confront a vampire energy, especially when the victim is a good person and "loves" beings that somehow became energy vampires, are relatives or friends, but if we analyze coldly, we see that it is impossible to attack them, if we have within us the means and weapons to defeat them.
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