Astrological Influences for 2013
2013, a year with number 13
First, it is important to know that the number 13 symbolizes “transformation” in many spiritual traditions. In tarot, the book of 13 is “death”. Unfortunately, most people associate to this number the idea of bad luck, some, the idea of luck, but few people really understand the meaning of these transformation processes that we all go through.
Any transformation means letting die one structure (to be redefined, to be dissolved) and allow other structures to be created instead of the old ones. This "replacement" first leads to "death" of the old structures at psychic level, emotional level and mental level. The feeling that something in you dies is not easy. This is why most people choose not to transform certain aspects in themselves or in their lives.
Before that new thing to "install" and manifest, something old and useless must "die" and this first feeling is unbearable for many, even if they would like to have that something new, better and more beautiful.
It is important to understand this process, in order to understand the resistance to change, even if we get something better eventually.
We all deal these feelings, some of us being more courageous, others more fearful... the brave ones are the pioneers of planetary transformation and spiritual good which gradually appears.
Astrological background for entire year 2013
That process of profound transformation that I described at the beginning of last year continues, and it leads to a gradual redefinition of this world which we live in. There are two most important conjunctures which are maintained throughout the year, and one of them was "installed" last year.
Squaring Pluto - Uranus
This square was formed last year, resulting in an inside "strain" of the crowds related to free will. This square confronts us with a choice that is present since man and creation exists, but now it must become a conscious one. God gived us the free will, by definition, trough our human nature ... at the same time, there is a divine harmony that we may choose to integrate in, or rebel against it. We have the opportunity to war with divine harmony in order to follow ego’s "recommendations", seeing only the small image of our personal thoughts and ideas.
Also, we are able to try to alchemize these instinctive tendencies and seek after the big picture of the divine plan which our life is a part of, to seek to discover the big picture in which we live as human beings.
Uranus-Pluto square forces us to enhance the fight with our inner structures, those that obstructs us from seeing the big picture and the divine. It forces us and wakes the revolt in everyone to overcome our petty and insignificant existences, creating conditions to see something great and beyond ego’s the insignificant individuality.
It makes us wonder how much our existence contributes to the bigger picture and how could we integrate on the direct path to the divine plan. Obviously, free will allows us to resist and rebel against spiritual energies, sticking desperately on our perspective to the world.
It's like we were convinced that we stay still because we do not actually see that from another perspective we spin at breakneck speed around an axis, and from another perspective we move with all solar system within a more elaborate structure.
The choose till where we see (and especially feel) belongs to us, but this world won’t stop walking just because we have existential problems with the boss, family or money ... From this point of view we are irrelevant to this universe, and if we seek a purpose for our existence, it is necessary to seek another level where we look ...
Neptune goes in perfect conjunction with fixed star Fomalhaut
This star is known as the Renaissance star and Neptune resides in ideals, beliefs and unconditional love.
We see a rebirth of beliefs and ideals this year, a process that actually initiated lately, and now will increase strongly.
If we've been paying attention, in the last several years appeared, along with the internet age, the age of spiritual information, a lot of rages, systems of beliefs, ideals and spiritual techniques, some promise the enlightenment in a few hours, others invite you to asceticism, others the joy of life and self-love, and so on.
But most of the information relates to love, acceptance, tolerance, belief in a universal and beneficial superior force. Most documentaries have begun to open our eyes to truths deeper than we knew before, to information about us as a species and to the world we live in, which do not let us live our ignorance in which we were educated by now (unless, obviously, if we insist).
The purpose of this wave of information is exactly radically change our perspective, to help us transform the system of beliefs, ideals and possibilities to which we refer, aspects related to the energy of Neptune.
If we look around, we cannot see middle course any more ... those who have chosen a life of suffering and ignorance, have some of this in abundance, and those who have chosen a life full of optimism and happiness, attend the abundance of these issues.
Because of the huge amount of information, we can not hide and say that things are good as they are because there is no other option anyway. From now on everyone has access to information about what is possible in this world: miraculous healing, transformation techniques, spiritual laws, esoteric knowledge, etc., aspects that allow anyone to see both possibilities, and results that can be obtained.
It’s all about opening our being to something higher and accept ideals that we weren’t taught by this world, ideals of happiness, prosperity, joy of life and gratitude to God.
Neptune with Fomalhaut conjunction facilitates this revival if we are open to look into ourselves sublime and divine ideals, far beyond what we have learned that it is possible by ordinary and rational mind understanding.
Astrologer Zoltan Veres
The Root Chakra and the Earth
January 11, 2013
When the first chakra is disconnected from the feminine Earth, we can feel orphaned and motherless. The masculine principle predominates, and we look for security from material things. Individuality prevails over relationship, and selfish drives triumph over family, social and global responsibility. The more separated we become from the Earth, the more hostile we become to the feminine. We disown our passion, our creativity, and our sexuality. Eventually the Earth itself becomes a baneful place. I remember being told by a medicine woman in the Amazon, “Do you know why they are really cutting down the rain forest? Because it is wet and dark and tangled and feminine.
~ Alberto Villoldo
With the New Moon in earth sign Capricorn it is a good time to start a new practice in working with your root chakra. Patchouli is a great choice of oil or herb to work with for the earth element and root chakra during this New Moon.
Capricorn: 11 to 23 January
Around the Galaxy in 28 days: Day 21: Elephant Sky - pleasure versus pain.
Every Day has its own energy. We can use this energy to our advantage and / or to warn us against taking certain actions. For example, today is good for taking responsibility and doing the right thing. A good time for introspection. Take action towards bettering your life and making money. Today can either be sensual and lustful or present problems with sexual organs, for example period pain. The warnings today are against acting impulsive and being distracted by jealousy. Vibrate love to attract good things into your life.
I aim to live magically, and invite you to join me on my journey as I explore and explain these energies so that we can move with the rhythm of nature for our ultimate benefit and gain. In my quest I track the daily movement and energy of the moon and the planets that influence earth. I put pictures of the moon's path and what it symbolises for all to follow and enjoy.
But Not For Love: Conquering “the Devil within”
by Madeline Montalban
Behind the Six of Rods lies a whole wealth of hidden meaning that is not revealed by the mundane meanings of the card, for in divination the Six of Rods means "complete or partial failure of a project", or, when reversed, "vain and fruitless striving and desire". So you will see it covers many aspects of human activity, from failure of anything the Querent might be trying to do, to that "vain and fruitless striving" disappointed lovers feel when their love affairs go wrong.
You have all heard people say: "So-and-So is eating her heart out." But how many people know that Set, the ancient Egyptian devil, is often depicted as eating a heart? And those who may know Egyptology seldom realize that this symbolic "eating of a heart by the devil" reveals one of the greatest weaknesses of the human race.
When we have set our hearts on something, or somebody, we often refuse to face up to the fact that the thing we want is not for us. We just cannot believe that something we want so much cannot be ours. We refuse to credit that, loving somebody so much, that person cannot love us. This refusal to face facts results in "eating our hearts out" for the unattainable, with consequent physical and mental stress, and those outbursts of hysteria or queer behavior that succeed only in boring our friends and relatives. We are then suffering the Six of Rods reversed, within ourselves, wrecking our mental and physical health, and – let's face it – managing to become a dreadful nuisance to anybody who has the misfortune to be connected with us.
Well, there is an old saw that says: "Men have died, and worms have eaten them – but not for love", and excruciating as the suffering of rejected love can be, few of us die of that suffering. True, some people dramatize it, and retire into bitterness or live like recluses, cherishing that chip on their shoulder long after the real pain of it has gone! The difference between physical and mental pain is this: we know at once when physical pain ceases, but injured pride and memory often prevent us from knowing when mental pain has ceased!
I have known men and women complain bitterly of disappointment in love twenty-five years after it happened, despite the fact that they have, in the interim, contracted perfectly happy marriages with somebody else! I have also known brilliant men and women mar their own careers, and lose courage and initiative, because they were once "disappointed in love". Yet it wasn't the pain of the rejection that lasted all those years, but their own refusal to face the fact that the pain had gone. They had let an unhappy emotional experience knock them off mental balance for the rest of their lives, and so had become Set incarnate – a living devil, consuming their own heart. All because they refused to forget; because they had to fritter away their lives and abilities crying for the moon, because they watered the bitter aloes of memory with regular tears, and refused to tend, instead, the mental poppy of forgetfulness.
That is why the poppy is associated with the Six of Rods card. [There is a poppy on the card used as an illustration for this article. A.T.] The message of the poppy is: "when your life knows the reversal of the Six of Rods, then forget, and take as your future symbol the interlaced six-pointed triangle that means 'material success'". For the inner arcana of the Six of Rods is – that any of life's disappointments are sent to teach us something – to rely on ourselves for happiness rather than to seek it from others.
If we cannot become complete by union with the loved one (and save in the cases of affinities such a completion is seldom possible even when romance is successful), we can become complete in ourselves. We must put our personal disappointment aside, and resolve to build a new life of personal success on the ashes of dead love, and then the powers seem to work with us to help us to do it.
The six-pointed interlaced triangle, sometimes called the Seal of David, is one of the symbols of material success, or gain and accomplishment in life through work and effort. It is, of course, easier for creative people to sink their injured feelings in intensive work. The best songs and poems, the greatest books and finest paintings have emerged after some wounding emotional experience. For man "learns in suffering what he teaches in song", and few are the creative people of this world who haven't suffered a deeply scarring emotional experience at some time of their lives. But they didn't let it wreck them. They took fresh courage, let ambition act as a substitute for love, and the sun rose on their efforts, just as it rises on the card of the Six of Rods, over the corn ripe for harvest.
So, for those afflicted with a "vain and fruitless striving and desire", the inner arcana of the card says: "Look within yourselves, and discover within your own soul some field of endeavor in which you can forget, and build the future." Ask not: “What does the future hold for me now?" but rather: "What have I got to give to the future?" Perhaps those injured feelings hide a painter, author or other creative genius. Try to find out, and if you feel they might – then make an attempt to fulfill yourself in that chosen field, even if it means completely revising your life, taking a course of lessons, trying and failing time and again. For, in the doing, you will forget the hurt you have suffered. It will become no more than it was intended to be: an experience that was necessary to throw you in upon yourself in order that you might discover your unrealized abilities.
Then, some day, when you least expect it, love will come around again. For life is a series of ever-turning wheels, and the more developed "you" will have more power to hold the new love, because you have become complete in yourself, and so can add something to the "completeness" of the loved one. For that is what all people seek in love.
This advice applies not only to love disappointments, but also to any other frustrations that cause human suffering. If you don't succeed in getting on in the world, have you ever wondered if you are in the wrong sphere? Many would-be actors often ask me: "Why don't I succeed in my profession?" When I have to tell them, gently, that in such an overcrowded profession only the best can hope to reach the top, they are furious. Yet, in many cases, these folks who want to express themselves on the stage might succeed better in another career altogether.
If, over a long period of time, you have tried with all your might to succeed in some sphere, and failed, then isn't it time you faced the fact that perhaps you are in the wrong job or career? Success never really eludes those who are on the right lines. Sometime they must "break through". But here is a rule I have found safe and sure for both love affairs and ambitions. If your love affair doesn't culminate in marriage within four years, it is unlikely it will ever do so. If your ambitions don't show some signs of materializing within eight years, then they are not likely to do so. [We might adapt the first rule nowadays from ‘marriage’ to ‘living together’ or some other sign of commitment to the relationship. T.W.]
In both cases you should look elsewhere for fruition and fulfillment. You should face facts, take a firm hold on yourself, and try something else to bring you happiness and success. Then, and then only, will "the project cease to fail" and the "vain and fruitless striving or desire" end. Only fresh efforts and a new outlook will enable the sun of success to shine over your life, and enable you to reap the harvest of personal attainment and content.
[Prediction, August 1959]
Don't Be Afraid To Live!
by Madeline Montalban
Throughout the passage of centuries, many of the Tarot cards and their meanings have undergone so many changes and deletions that the true meaning of certain cards has become obscure. Take the Six of Swords, for instance. In prediction, it is said to mean "a voyage or the arrival of a traveler or messenger". If reversed, "a gain from an unexpected quarter".
But that is a very filleted meaning of the Six of Swords. If, like me, you have had your own Tarot pack made, the Six of Swords should carry the figure of a man passing over a river, while the swords thrown by enemies fall harmlessly around him. Students of occult ritual and practice who have "'Passed the River" will know how learning certain things, and becoming skilled in a certain other alphabet, opens up their own occult powers and helps them to make life better for themselves.
For those to whom the deeper teachings are unknown, here is an explanation of how the Six of Swords lost a lot of its mystery when the Tarot became nothing but a fortune-telling device. But before I go any further, I must tell correspondents that I cannot advise them where to obtain a pack of Tarot cards like those that illustrate this Paper. These are not made today, so you will have to make your own if you want one. Every keen Taroist should make his own pack.
To get back to the main point, let us analyze the mystery of the Six of Swords more closely. “A voyage, or the arrival of a traveler or messenger," says the divinatory aspect of the card, when it is upright; but in occult studies one "travels the path to arrive at wisdom"; or "when the pupil is ready the teacher cometh". That is the meaning of the inner symbolism of the Six of Swords. That is, if you have reached the stage in your mental and spiritual development where you can learn to use occult power or ancient rituals and get results. "There is an arrival of a messenger" who represents the teacher who "comes when the pupil is ready". This may not be an actual person; it could be some information, or even a letter, that puts you in the way of learning these things.
When I was a would-be student of magic and mystery, longing to learn, but not knowing where to start, my "messenger" came in the form of a letter inviting me to meet a certain person. Mind you, I had done all in my power to "open the temple door", by inquiring of anybody I thought might know anything about it. As a result, I received a lot of ill-informed but well meant advice about such things being dangerous. Also numerous pamphlets from organizations that dealt with other aspects of the occult. But not the one I wanted to learn, which was the ancient rituals and practice. In time, persistence won through, as it always does. The person I was invited to meet told me that if my horoscope indicated that I had the ability to learn, then I would be offered the opportunity, and so, I eventually "got in".
I am often asked why some people have the ability to make occult rituals work, while others, who may have had access to similar knowledge, cannot get them to operate. The answer isn't easy, but so many of you ask the question that I will try to give a simple explanation. It all depends upon whether or not you have a certain planet in your natal horoscope that is both "in its dignity" and also in significant aspects with certain others. I cannot go further into this here, as the explanation is too lengthy, but if you want to know if you possess inborn occult ability, and you will send me your correct birthdate and stamped addressed envelope, I will advise you.
Turning to the Six of Swords when in reverse, and dealing with the divinatory explanation "a gain from an unexpected quarter", we come to a most interesting explanation of the inner meaning of the card. According to ancient beliefs, there are times in our lives when the higher powers take a great interest in us, and do their best to make that interest known by dropping a windfall of good luck in our lap. This is the gain from an unexpected quarter, though "an unknown source" would be a better term for it.
Now, such strokes of good fortune happen to us all occasionally. We all get odd runs of luck, which result in our gaining something we have hoped or wished for. But most people just accept it as good luck and don't try to see behind it, or to fathom the cause why this particular thing should have happened to them (nobody ever questions good fortune, but only bad)! In some cases, the rewards are karmic; that is, we have earned the reward by something we have done in the past. Only a portion of our lives and experience, however, are devoted to the working of karma, so there must be times when things happen that are intended to awaken our higher perceptions. The trouble is, with most folks, they don't.
But anybody keen on trying to see behind the working of cause and effect must agree with this – that there are times in our lives when a good angel gives a helping hand, or brings some joy to us. The word angel signifies "of God", since the suffix "el" always refers to divine origins. So, when such unexpected gains occur, we have been brought a little nearer to the source of all good things – or we have reached a state of development when we have eyes to see and ears to hear – if we but use them.
Putting the whole arcana of the card together, we get "an impending traveler or messenger" plus "unexpected gain from an unknown source". We come out of the maze with the true meaning of the card: that when you are ready to know certain things, a messenger arrives, and the result can be "gain from an unexpected quarter". In my opinion, these are the times when you not only get nearer to beings higher than man, but they are signifying that it is time you did, as you have other things to learn besides just living.
We humans should be the masters of our fate, and not the victim of it. Those who put down every misery to karma are wrong. Some trials are karmic, but many others are self-induced, simply because we don't realize that there are benign powers that will help us to help ourselves, and because we make no real effort to understand the mystery of our own existence. The swords of enemies falling harmlessly around the figure crossing the river are emblematic of trials in life that could miss us, or pass us by, if we crossed the River of Knowledge and reached the shore of Understanding Effort.
The stepping-stones the figure treads are the many small events that lead up to realizing why we are alive; and what our purpose ought to be. Once we understand why we are here, that there is knowledge and power available for us all to help ourselves, we no longer fear life, but regard it as an adventure, the ship of destiny we can ourselves steer.
So many people are afraid to live. They fear the future, and yet they cannot be sure they will even have a future to worry about! We none of us really know that we shall live to see tomorrow, so worrying about the future is quite absurd. Worry never did anything but hinder us. Only by taking life into your own hands and shaping it the way you want it can you make the future nearer to your heart's desire.
Many people live dreary lives because they are afraid to make changes, to take chances, and to "cross the river" into new experiences and probably a better life. It is not the slightest bit of use to worry about the future. If you want to know your own future, then look at your past. We all tend to make the same errors over and over again until we learn how to prevent the causes that result in unhappy effects.
Years ago I received the best bit of advice I have ever had in my life. It was this. "Live one day at a time. It could be your last day on earth, so disregard the trials that may come tomorrow. Deal firmly with the troubles of today, so that those of the future will not arise."
[Prediction, May 1959]
The Dragon brings upon the essence of life, in the form of its celestial breath, known to many as sheng chi. He has the ability to blow out cosmic chi from his breath, which is the base for studies of Feng Shui. Mountains, valleys, rivers, buildings and highways are all correlated to Dragon head, claws, tail, veins and his pearl to determine the feng shui of a place. He yields life and bestows its power in the form of the seasons, bringing water from rain, warmth from the sunshine, wind from the seas and soil from the earth. The Dragon is the ultimate representation of the forces of Mother Nature. The greatest divine force on Earth.
Click here to learn more about the symbol and how to apply it in your Feng Shui!
5-Dragons Ball
This supreme rotating ball has the assembly of the 5 Dragons to harness perfect feng shui. The five dragons connotes the 5 Element Dragons: the Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth Dragons. When the 5 dragons come together to merge and bond, they will share one powerful vein together to create an unusually high form of power which is essential for rapid multiplication of economic advancement and financial opportunities. In places where feng shui masters see the 5 dragons based on natural mountain and river formation in certain places, prosperous commercial and financial district will be found, for example in Hong Kong and Singapore. For those who desire to be very successful, granted with power, multiplication of financial victory, attaining economic freedom and becoming a business tycoon, you ought to possess this Five Element Dragon Ball in prominent areas of your home or office. Each time you feel your energy is down, just rub for the ball to twirl softly.
Drum of Success
From the remotest ages of Chinese civilization, the drum is believed to be the "yang-est" instrument of all because it produces loud bass kind of vibes that shakes the heaven and earth. It is used to announce big celebration, lion dance, achievement in battlefield and holy rituals. Even one of the Eight Immortals (Chang Kuo Lao) uses a drum as his emblem of good fortune. This is a genuine drum made from wood and covered with skin. It is richly painted and ornamented with the symbols of dragon, phoenix and double happiness. One should display this drum in sectors which you feel is too quiet, too zen or overly "yin" due to wall colors. The drum has the special effects to create maximum "yang" energy for the space. And it is this kind of strong vibes that will proactively bring success to one's life. It is also the ornament to pre-announce success in the future. If one is looking for great success in his career, wishes or endeavours, display this drum in prominent area of the living room or on the workdesk. Ones personal sheng chi direction is also excellent to display the drum.
Watchdragons Jiaotu (One Pair)
The Jiaotu is one of the nine dragon sons and his job is to watch and guard your homes. These ancient guardians are often found in palaces, mansions and homes of royalty, officials and merchants. Jiaotu is as tight-lipped as a mussel or a snail. Its image is normally carved directly onto doors. It is often been mistaken as the fu dog, but in fact they are the more heavenly and royal version of guardians. They can also prevent people of evil intentions from entering the house and to ward off shar chi (killing energy). One can have a peace of mind when they watch over the main entrance and protect the whole family from being harmed. They are particularly effective in preventing robbery and evil haunts.
Wealth Dragon for Prosperity and Power (X-LARGE)
This fat and handsome dragon is curling its strong body around a a mountain of treasures. These treasures are symbolized by natural gemstones, gold ingots and emperor coins. This is therefore both a dragon and also can be considered as a powerful wealthpot. This special Wealth Dragon brings prosperity and good fortune when displayed around your space. It is also successfully grasping the pearl, thus bestowing power to its owner. It would ease your efforts to have full grip and control over your fortune and luck. One will always stay in the forefront of success when blessed with the presence of this dragon. The dragon is a must for homes and offices.
Dragon and Phoenix for Marital Happiness (LARGE)
This new colorful Dragon and Phoenix clinging tightly together is amazingly beautiful. Their gestures show they are so attached to each other and romantically energized. The dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple in Feng Shui. Dragon is "yang" while phoenix is "yin", and they complement each other in creating yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss. This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end. The dragon will bring prosperity, good career luck and success in every area of life for mankind, while the phoenix would bring out the excellent side of the female. The Dragon when placed together with the Phoenix not only strengthens relationships. It can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
Extravagant Dragon and Phoenix for Marital Happiness
This truly extravagant dragon and phoenix amulet is carved from natural red agate. It is further strung with three gold emperor coins of Kang Hsi, Yong Cheng and Chien Lung for amplified good luck. The beautiful design would make this amulet a handsome gift for your loved ones. The dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple in Feng Shui. Dragon is "yang" while phoenix is "yin", and they complement each other in creating yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss. This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end. The dragon will bring prosperity, good career luck and success in every area of life for mankind, while the phoenix would bring out the excellent side of the female. The Dragon when together with the Phoenix not only strengthens relationships. It can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
Dragon Amulet with Three Emperor Coins
This truly extravagant dragon amulet is carved from natural jade stone. It is further strung with three gold emperor coins of Kang Hsi, Yong Cheng and Chien Lung for amplified good luck. The beautiful design would make this amulet a handsome gift for your loved ones. Dragons are filled with energy and usually marks the start of successful events. It is especially auspicious for those who are embarking on a new endeavour or career. Keeping this amulet would ease their efforts to have full grip and control on their fortune and luck. The Dragon has a healthy body and the gesture depicts its potency to stay in the forefront of success.This is highly recommended for ambitious people, business people, politicians, managers and executives looking for success.
Dragon Pillar of Success
Everyone has their own destiny which could be translated from their imaginary pillars crafted in their mind and plans. Failing to plan is equivalent to planning to fail. The Dragon Pillar of Success (Hua Biao) is an excellent enhancer to plant seeds of success and instill certain good connotations in life. Holding this pillar of success is like winning a grammy award for your own success in life. The Hua Biao in general represents good prospect, wealth luck, attracts the attention from powerful people (benefactor's luck), enhances promotional luck and turning bad luck into good. It is an auspicious emblem of prosperity, happiness and longevity. This secret pillar was designed by ancient grandmasters to invite auspicious energies of heaven and earth to fulfill the wishes of the emperors of olden days. The word "success" is marked on the pillar to conform success in one's life and is needed in situations like these:
1. When one finds their life going side track .
2. When a smart and determined person finds himself lacking in good opportunities.
3. When one is often the victim of successful people who made used of them to climb the positions that actually rightfully deserved by the individual.
4. When one has a strong desire to be successful in certain areas of life such as career, business, love, children's luck, networking, fame, becoming rich, gaining scholastic luck etc.
Ru Yi Dragon (XL)
This large size celestial dragon sits elegantly on a large Ru Yi. Its paw is ready to grip any opportunity that comes its way. On the other hand, the ruyi is suitable for those who desire to gain authority, promotion luck and good tidings in all endeavours. One should have the Ru Yi whenever they feel lacking in authority or needing more power/influence in negotiations and in meetings.This powerful Ru Yi Dragon is therefore suitable for those who needs power or control over important matters such as finance, subordinate or family matters.
Boy Riding the Dragon
This dragon benefits the male of the family especially. That means the partriarch and sons of the family will benefit the most from it. It will also bless one with achievement, knowledge, advancement, fame, authority, power and status, and expect quick and excellent results. The dragon is a must for homes and offices. This is highly recommended for feng shui enthusiasts who are seeking for more success in life. Also if one is wishing to get pregnant with a son, this is the best display in the bedroom.
Girl Riding the Phoenix
This Phoenix will particularly benefit female luck of the family. That means the mother and daughters in a home will benefit mostly from it. Phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity.The Phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It would mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame and popularity. It would bring out the excellent side of the female. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female looking to find true love. Also if one is wishing to get pregnant with a daugther, this is the best display in the bedroom.
Official's Seal
This is the Official's Seal with one dragon clinging on it. This kind of seal was used during the olden days by government officials as the indication of power and authority. Only those who were high ranking officers were given the seal by the emperor. Therefore it can be translated to be used by wage earners who wish to magnify their luck for career enhancement and promotional luck. The dragon on the seal will help one triumph over their competitive colleagues. One will automatically gather better influential power and authority with the seal.This is also an excellent symbol to bring good rewards to ones career. A career cannot be considered rewarding if one is in the same position for many years and without any increment.
Pregnant Dragon Pendant 1.1-inch
This exclusive pendant has added workmanship to give the best in craftmanship. Extremely fabulous looking and impressive! The pendant has a dragon crafted in the posture known as the "Pregnant Dragon". Most of the feng shui masters who are business minded would have this type of dragon appear in their logo or even prayer altar for worshipping. The pregnant dragon has the ability to give birth, thus signifying the ability to grow ones wealth. It is the emblem of financial growth, powerful protection, authority, success, wealth and reputation. It is especially auspicious for those who are embarking on business, a new endeavour or career. Wearing this pendant would ease their efforts to gain quick success in financial gains. This is highly recommended for ambitious ladies, business people, politicians, managers and executives looking for success.
Long Pi (Double Dragon) Amulet
The presence of Twin Dragons depicted in this powerful amulet would ease our efforts to have full grip and control on our fortune and luck. The amulet is tied with the mystic knot and a genuine citrine stone at the edge to amplify your luck in Period 8 because mystic knot signifies multiplication of "8" and citrine is endorsed to be the Period 8 wealth gem. Citrine energizes the auspicious earth energy in Period 8. This talisman creates strength and vibes to radiate continuously to transform negative Chi into positive. This overcomes obstacles, astrological dangers, bad luck, harm from opponents and competition. Rub it to create beneficial outcome especially going through hard times, making hard decisions or even interviewing for a job you desire.
Five Element Dragons
This 5 pieces of 5 element-colored Dragons represent the assembly of the 5 Dragons to harness perfect feng shui, also known as the 5 Element Dragons: the Metal (clear), Wood (green), Water (blue), Fire (red) and Earth (yellow) Dragons. When the 5 dragons come together to merge and bond, they will share one powerful vein together to create an unusually high form of power which is essential for rapid multiplication of economic advancement and financial opportunities. These fat dragons are specially designed to shape like mountain (most auspicious shape for dragon) and has the number "8" inscribed on the neck of them to make them "Period 8 Dragons". In places where feng shui masters see the 5 dragons based on natural mountain and river formation in certain places, prosperous commercial and financial district will be found, for example in Hong Kong and Singapore. For those who desire to be very successful, granted with power, multiplication of financial victory, attaining economic freedom and becoming a business tycoon, you ought to possess this Five Element Dragons in prominent areas of your home or office.
Solid Bronze Victory Dragon Grasping Pearl
The Dragon depicted successfully grasping the pearl would ease our efforts to have full grip and control on our fortune and luck. It is made from bronze and is an excellent collectible for those who love feng shui d' art. The Dragon has a healthy body and the gesture depicts its potency to stay in the forefront of success. The dragon is a must for homes and offices.
3.2-in Bronze Flying Phoenix on Stand
This phoenix ready to fly signifies one going to fly all time high. Phoenix displayed by itself without the dragon gives "yang" energy. This flying phoenix signifies the splendour of phoenix. Phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity.The Phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It would mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame and popularity. It would bring out the excellent side of the female. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
5-in Bronze Phoenix Splendour
This rising phoenix signifies the splendour of phoenix. Phoenix displayed by itself without the dragon gives "yang" energy. This rising phoenix signifies the splendour of phoenix. Phoenix is the goddes of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity.The Phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It would mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame and popularity. It would bring out the excellent side of the female. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
Dragon and Phoenix for Marital Happiness
This new colorful Dragon and Phoenix on Stand is newly sourced from the finest supplier in the field. This new revision comes with finer quality and better colors.The dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple in Feng Shui. Dragon is "yang" while phoenix is "yin", and they complement each other in creating yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss. This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end. The dragon will bring prosperity, good career luck and success in every area of life for mankind, while the phoenix would bring out the excellent side of the female. The Dragon when placed together with the Phoenix not only strengthens relationships. It can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
Crystal Ball with 3-Dimensional Dragon and Phoenix (Marital Happiness)
Crystal balls are fabulous earth energy enhancer and becomes even more magnificent in Period 8 (which is ruled by earth energy). Round crystal balls ensures good tidings and smooth riding in your endeavours. This crystal ball features a 3 dimensional hand-painting within it. Displaying the ball in your space will activate the luck depicted inside to ball to send vibes in a three dimensional manner in your living space. The dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple in Feng Shui. Dragon is "yang" while phoenix is "yin", and they complement each other in creating yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss. This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
Supreme Nine Dragons Coin for More Power - Energy Infused
A spectacular revelation from the usual pieces, this fabulous creation of our brand features the magnificent Nine Dragons Coin done skillfully and uniquely in pure brass and nickel plating. The sensual piece is further adorned with the auspicious images of the legendary dragons, with one on the "yang side" and another eight on the "yin side". Empowering the coin is the mantra of Increasing Wealth, providing a special channel to the cosmic realm to invoke divine blessings for maximum riches. This mantra will help you change your luck from bad to good, ignite good luck, boost up good luck further and help one become rich in a smooth and steady manner. Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused tag is hidden under an exquisite pendant of the mystic knot. Stunningly elegant, this coin function to fulfill extraordinary accomplishments.This is highly recommended for ambitious people, business people, politicians, managers and executives looking for solid success. The coin also constitute a prestigious gift.
This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity. Free gift box.
Nine Dragons - Energy Infused
This magnificent nine dragons expressing joy and togetherness celebrates the vitality of the highest ranking animal in the chinese animal hierarchy and a symbol of the imperial family. The dragons sparkle in vibrant color of golden yellow glaze to create a fascinating aura of excellence. Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused tag is hidden inside the body of the ornament. The charming nine dragons possessed power, strength and authority with connotations of success in attaining whatever goals one has set by strengthening inner determination. It opens up as a pot to be filled with, but not limited to, 18 fortune gold ingots that comes together with the item for free. One can also add in precious gems, chinese coins or real currency to empower it further with wealth energy.
Five Element Dragons Crystal Balls - Energy Infused
The assembly of 5 Element Dragons consist of: the Metal (clear), Wood (green), Water (blue), Fire (red) and Earth (yellow) dragons. When the 5 dragons come together to merge and bond, they will share one powerful vein together to create an unusually high form of power which is essential for rapid multiplication of economic advancement and financial opportunities. In places where feng shui masters see the 5 dragons based on natural mountain and river formation in certain places, prosperous commercial and financial district will be found, for example in Hong Kong and Singapore. That is why feng shui masters often refer to such situation as "chasing after the 5 Element Dragon veins". For those who desire to be very successful, granted with power, multiplication of financial victory, attaining economic freedom and becoming a business tycoon, you ought to possess this Five Element Dragons Crystal Balls in prominent areas of your home or office. Excellent for entrepreneurs, directors and executives.
Soaring Phoenix - Energy Infused
This enchanted high rising phoenix epitomizes soaring aspirations. The mythical bird made from fine brass is finished with glorious yellow and red plumage color tones. It is bejewelled with highly prestigious nine swarovski crystals in maroon color. Nine is the number of "fullness" and "completeness". It is also the number associated to Purple Star #9 in the flying star system and connotes fire energy. The phoenix displayed by itself without the dragon gives "yang" energy. The phoenix is the secret friend of the dragon and has special affinity with the dragon, known as Six Union (Liu He). Therefore, during years of the dragon, inviting the phoenix will make the Grand Duke (Tai Sui) happy and complete the year to bring complete good fortune. This soaring phoenix signifies the splendour of phoenix. Phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity.The phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It will mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame, recognition luck and popularity. It will also bring out the excellent side of the female. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with its strong fiery energy. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love. Displaying the phoenix is also the best way to activate the auspicious Purple Star #9, which is our future wealth star, happiness star and a luck magnifying star. It brings joyous occasions such as child birth, fame luck, popularity, recogntion, promotion, marriage luck, favorable investment yields, good support from benefactors and property revenues.
Soaring Aspirations Phoenix Amulet - Energy Infused
This amulet combines the power of phoenix with the magpie to fulfill all your aspirations. The combination is also best used to vanquish villains, destroy gossips, terminate bad temper and remove quarrelsome energy. The phoenix is a heavenly bird that harvests opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity.The phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It will mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame, recognition luck and popularity. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with its strong fiery energy. On the other hand, the magpie is known as the "bird of happiness and joy" and have been regarded as the bird that connects earth to heaven. You will succeed in finding a new job, starting a new venture, finding a new love, getting rich, getting children, obtaining recovery from illness, finding popularity, passing examinations and getting promotion. The magpie is also the best means of connecting and strengthening the love relationship for those lovers who live far apart, facing all sorts of resistance and experiencing objections from family members.
This amulet is energy infused and emits energy unendingly. Item comes with certificate of authenticity.
Five Element Phoenixes - Energy Infused
The assembly of 5 Element Phoenixes consist of: the Metal (clear), Wood (green), Water (blue), Fire (red) and Earth (yellow) phoenixes. When the 5 phoenixes come together to merge and bond, they will share one powerful vein together to create an unusually high form of power which is essential for rapid magnification of luck associated to human interaction such as: social linkage, popularity, relationship, fame, networking and recognition. Becoming interactively attractive is essential to elevate one to high social status, success in career and happiness in relationship. For those who are suffering from defamation, bad-mouthing and gossips from petty people, the 5 Element Phoenixes will also be tha ultimate answer to suppress and cure such problems. Gossips if left uncontrolled can lead to a kingdom being overthrown, an idol defamed into a publicly disgusting figure, good business being snatched by competitors and obstruction in career advancement.
Crystal Five Element Dragons
This 5 pieces of 5 element-colored Dragons represent the assembly of the 5 Dragons to harness perfect feng shui, also known as the 5 Element Dragons: the Metal (white jade), Wood (green aventurine), Water (rainbow obsidian), Fire (rose quartz) and Earth (yellow jasper) Dragons. When the 5 dragons come together to merge and bond, they will share one powerful vein together to create an unusually high form of power which is essential for rapid multiplication of economic advancement and financial opportunities. These dragons are specially designed to shape like mountain (most auspicious shape for dragon). In places where feng shui masters see the 5 dragons based on natural mountain and river formation in certain places, prosperous commercial and financial district will be found, for example in Hong Kong and Singapore. That is why feng shui masters often refer to such situation as "chasing after the 5 Element Dragon veins". For those who desire to be very successful, granted with power, multiplication of financial victory, attaining economic freedom and becoming a business tycoon, you ought to possess this Five Element Dragons in prominent areas of your home or office. Excellent for entrepreneurs, directors and executives.
Dragon with Ru Yi - Upward Progression in Career - Energy Infused
The dragon in gold is always known to be the more superior form that can bring ultra good fortune. Those who are rich, famous and ranking high in the society adore this animal and often use its symbol for protection purposes. It is a symbol of power and blessings.It curls stylishly around the Ru Yi (scepter) connoting high ranking authority and an unobstructed path in all undertakings. The ruyi is suitable for those who desire to gain authority, promotion luck and good tidings in all endeavours. One should have the Ru Yi whenever they feel lacking in authority or needing more power/influence in negotiations and in meetings.This powerful dragon is therefore suitable for those who needs power or control over important matters such as finances, subordinates or family matters. It means all your undertakings, family matters, projects, encounters, social life, financial status etc. will be at excellent status throughout the year. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward if you display this good luck ornament at home or in the office. It will also help to prevent you from getting injured, falling ill, facing unhappiness or meeting with accidents. Display it in the southeast of your living room.
Dragon with Wulou - Health and Longevity - Energy Infused
The dragon in gold is always known to be the more superior form that can bring ultra good fortune. Those who are rich, famous and ranking high in the society adore this animal and often use its symbol for protection purposes. It is a symbol of power and blessings. The strong dragon carrying the wulou on its back represents health and longevity. Some said the shape of the wu lou is also a wonderful integration of heaven, earth and mankind. It is suitable to usher in good health for the elderly. It means your health status will be at excellent status throughout the year. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward if you display this dragon at home. Display it in the southeast of your living room.
Victory All Seasons - Energy Infused
The dragon in gold is always known to be the more superior form that can bring ultra good fortune. Those who are rich, famous and ranking high in the society adore this animal and often use its symbol for protection purposes. It is a symbol of power and blessings. The dragon depicted successfully grasping the pearl (symbolize by a red sphere) would ease our efforts to have full grip and control on our fortune and luck.Its ascending posture with its right claw reaching for its pearl characterize its omnipotent abilities and power to have full control of the future. When the path forward is under full control, you will attain victory through all seasons. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward.
Igniting Success - Energy Infused
The dragon in gold is always known to be the more superior form that can bring ultra good fortune. Those who are rich, famous and ranking high in the society adore this animal and often use its symbol for protection purposes. It is a symbol of power and blessings. Its ascending posture with its head looking upwards characterize its omnipotent abilities and power to reach for higher limits. The right claw reaching out for the path forward signifies calling forth unceasing influx of mainstream wealth (business/career etc). The dragon in such a posture is normally a favorite among those who are seeking to start something new successfully, eg. business or project. It is a posture that many successful businesses have used as company logo. It means all your future undertakings and business will sprint forward successfully. Nothing will be restrained and nothing will hold you back from moving forward if you display this dragon at home.
Nine Amethyst Phoenix
The Nine Amethyst Phoenix is best to activate the auspicious Purple Star #9, which is our future wealth star and a luck magnifying star associated with "completeness" and "fullness". The Phoenix is the Lord of the Purple Star #9 and possesses strong fire energy. It is associated to true happiness and fame. On the other hand, the amethyst natural crystal is purple in color which is strong in fire energy and when in nine pieces is capable to activate Purple Star #9. One may also activate the south corner fire element with this Nine Amethyst Phoenix if you are seeking for recognition luck, fame and popularity. The fiery amulet brings joyous occasions such as child birth, fame luck, popularity, recogntion, promotion, marriage luck, favorable investment yields, good support from benefactors and property revenues. One should activate the Purple Star #9 in the northeast of your homes or bedrooms in 2012 to bring wealth and career expansion opportunities.
Luck Elevating Phoenix
This phoenix ready to fly signifies that one is going to fly all time high. It carries a pretty red crystal ball at its back to increase its flaming fame energy. Phoenix displayed by itself without the dragon gives "yang" energy. This flying phoenix signifies the splendour of phoenix. Phoenix is the goddess of all the winged creatures. This heavenly bird will harvest opportunity luck, magnifies chances of success in all endeavours and prosperity.The Phoenix surprises people by turning bad luck into good luck. It would mysteriously carve out path of opportunities to your business, work, career or all other pursuits of your life. Since it is associated to the south corner, its presence brings you fame and popularity. It would bring out the excellent side of the female. It can even remove quarrelsome energy of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
Six Emperor Longbi
The "longbi" is actually a round peripheral disc with dragons on it. It is the traditional remedy used by old style feng shui masters to cure misfortunes due to the heavy punishment from the confrontation with the Tai Sui. When one touches the longbi, it will ease your efforts in having a full grip and control over your fortune and luck. It has the ability to transform negative chi into positive, overcome obstacles, prevent annual dangers caused to zodiacs, subdue bad luck, combat bodily harm and terminate stress. Rub it with your hand to create beneficial outcome especially when going through hard times, making hard decisions or even interviewing for a job you desire. There are six emperor coins hidden under the stand to create luck from the heaven, so one will be assisted by heaven energies to overcome a turbulent year ahead. In 2010, the monkey suffers direct confrontation with the Tai Sui, therefore the year promises jeopardy. This is the rescuer ornament to prevent crisis and ensure a smooth riding year for the monkey.
Dragon Phoenix Magic Mirror
This is the reproduction of ancient mirror and fan made from nickel used in the ancient times for feng shui rituals. Metal mirrors are potent feng shui ornament used by taoist practitioners for space clearing, protecting against people of bad intention, dissolving bad chi, turning enemies into friends, attracting new love into ones life and bringing good luck. It has the auspicious "dragon-phoenix", "double happiness" and "mystic knot" symbols crafted onto it. The dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple in Feng Shui. Dragon is "yang" while phoenix is "yin", and they complement each other in creating yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss. This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end. The dragon will bring prosperity, good career luck and success in every area of life for mankind, while the phoenix would bring out the excellent side of the female. The Dragon when together with the Phoenix not only strengthens relationships. It can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
24K Gold Plated Solid Brass Victory Dragon Grasping Pearl - 2.5inch
The Dragon depicted successfully grasping the pearl would ease our efforts to have full grip and control on our fortune and luck. It is made from heavy brass, elegantly plated 24K gold and is an excellent collectible for those wishing to have full power of the dragon. The Dragon has a healthy body and the gesture depicts its potency to stay in the forefront of success. The dragon is a must for homes and offices. This dragon is going to be an admiration in displayed in the office or home.This is highly recommended for feng shui enthusiasts who are seeking for more success in life. This mini version is also suitable for building your dragon treasure box or wealth vase. The quality of this item is guaranteed to satisfy our expectations.
Period 8's Bronze Dragon and Phoenix for Marital Happiness
This is a Period 8's dragon and phoenix set (signified by the bagua base), made from heavy bronze promises to last forever. The dragon and phoenix are the perfect couple in Feng Shui. Dragon is "yang" while phoenix is "yin", and they complement each other in creating yin-yang balance to harvest successful matrimonial bliss. This celestial couple is the symbol of everlasting love and they being together is the ultimate symbol of marital happiness. It symbolizes that the man and spouse will stay together through thick and thin, and that love and passion will last till the end. The dragon will bring prosperity, good career luck and success in every area of life for mankind, while the phoenix would bring out the excellent side of the female. The Dragon when placed together with the Phoenix not only strengthens relationships. It can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix. The perfect item as well for the single female or bachelor looking to find true love.
Jade Pregnant Dragon Pendant Necklace
The dragon has almost never failed to become the most important pillar of luck for wealth, career and business. This fabulous looking dragon is crafted with a big stomach to mimic a "Pregnant Dragon". Most of the feng shui masters who are business minded would have this type of dragon appear in their logo or even prayer altar for worshipping. The pregnant dragon has the ability to give birth, thus signifying the ability to grow ones wealth. It is the emblem of financial growth, powerful protection, authority, success, wealth and reputation. It is especially auspicious for those who are embarking on business, a new endeavour or career. Wearing this pendant would ease their efforts to gain quick success in financial gains. This is highly recommended for ambitious ladies, business people, politicians, managers and executives looking for success.
Dragon Son-1: Tootie
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Tootie" is one of the sons that looks like a wolf. Tootie loves eating and has an extremely big appetite. Tootie only eats devils, ghost, evil spirits and enemies with bad intention. Displaying Tootie at home will destroy evil forces and enemies of bad intention. If one has a scheming neighbour who harms your family and kids, you can display Tootie facing that neighbour's house.
Dragon Son-2: Chiwen
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Chiwen" is one of the sons that looks like a monitor lizard. Chiwen always look upwards to the sky and protects against natural disaster. Chiwen possesses the power to bless rain because of its ability to spout waves of water from its mouth. Because Chiwen controls water, it can prevent flood as well. Chiwen is also able to swallow fire, therefore can safeguard against fire hazards. If one lives in a geographical location that is susceptible to forest fires, typhoon, flood, earthquake and natural disasters, it is best to invite Chiwen to protect the family. It will ensure the home will not get destroyed and family members stay safe and unscathed.
Dragon Son-3: Suan Ni
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Suan Ni" is one of the sons that looks like a lion. Although it looks fierce, it is quite tame. Suan Ni loves to sit. It is normally seen on incense burners because it loves smoke and fire. Suan Ni's supernatural power is to bring riches and financial freedom to its owner. Therefore, those who desires to enrich their bank account can invite this dragon into their homes. It does not only create wealth, but generate savings, which is a true form of wealth. It is best displayed in wealth corners or diagonally in one corner facing the main door.
Dragon Son-4: Bian
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Bian" is one of the sons that looks like a tiger. Its biggest strength is that it is brave and strong. Due to its righteous attitude, Bian loves to help one overcome problem. Bian is serious in preventing one from going into prison or failing to win a legal issue. Those whose life destiny or homes annual chart possibly affected by imprisonment or lawsuit can bring home a Bian for protection.
Dragon Son-5: Bixi
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Bixi" is one of the sons that looks like a tortoise. Bixi is tough and able to withstand extreme weight. Because of its toughness, Bixi is a loyal slave that help its owner carry all the problems faced by its owner. When one touches the Bixi, he/she will be blessed with "fuk" (good fortune and luck). Bixi helps to overcome long term illnesses and increase ones longevity.
Dragon Son-6: Pulao
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Pulao" is one of the sons that looks like infant of the dragon. It is small in size. Pulao lives near the sea; is fond of roaring. His presence signifies power and authority. His figure is normally seen on bells.Those who are seeking for increased power and authority or eyeing for a promotion can display it on the workdesk.
Dragon Son-7: Yazi
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Yazi" is impulsive and is bad tempered. Yazi likes to fight and compete, and it will triumph over any tough competition. Yazi is wild and is destructive to its opponents, therefore its image is seen on weapons. If you are facing problems from die hard enemies and bullies, display the Yazi at home facing the maindoor to destroy their intention permanently. They can be business competitors or colleagues that fight with you often.
Dragon Son-8: Gong Fu
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. "Gong Fu" loves music and play with water; and his figure is a common decoration on the bridge of stringed musical instruments. His duty is to help family members become more loving and caring to each other. Those who see union problems in the family can seek help from it. Homes that are filled with members that have attitude problems can also be disciplined by Gong Fu. And those playing with water sports or indulge in sea activities can display the Gong Fu to prevent sea disasters or drowning.
Dragon Son-9: Jiao Tu
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. The Jiaotu is one of the nine dragon sons and his job is to watch and guard your homes. These ancient guardians are often found in palaces, mansions and homes of royalty, officials and merchants. Jiaotu is as tight-lipped as a mussel or a snail. Its image is normally carved directly onto doors. It is often been mistaken as the fu dog, but in fact they are the more heavenly and royal version of guardians. They can also prevent people of evil intentions from entering the house and to ward off shar chi (killing energy). One can have a peace of mind when they watch over the main entrance and protect the whole family from being harmed. They are particularly effective in preventing robbery and evil haunts.
Nine Dragon Sons
The chinese dragon comes in many different forms. Some ancient texts said there were nine dragon sons altogether. Others said there were nine generations instead of nine sons. The information was quite scattered because ancient emperors selfishly kept the information only to themselves and almost all texts relating to them had been burnt. People only knew about them when they visit the China's Imperial Palace. The Emperor Chien Lung had during his era commissioned for the 9 Dragons Screen to be built in his palace and ever since his reign enjoyed the most power, success and riches. Because of their ability to create dynastic achievements for kingdoms, the Nine Dragons is highly recommended for ambitious people, business people, politicians, managers and executives looking for solid success.