Flying To Heaven
Your horoscope for 2013 by Darkstar Astrology is divided into Taurus decans as follows:
Taurus 1st decan born Apr 21 to 30.
Taurus 2nd decan born May 1 to 10.
Taurus 3rd decan born May 11 to 20.
Decan 1 Taurus 2013
You should be starting to feel more hopeful about the future as you begin a long Neptune sextile transit this year. This is a subtle influence and may be overpowered by a more challenging transit from Saturn mid year, but it should help put any obstacles into perspective so you can view them more as necessary delays. Neptune will increase your interest in spirituality, religion or occult fields like astrology, to help you on the enlightening journey this transit brings. It is also very likely to increase any psychic ability and feelings of connectedness with other individuals and groups of people.
The hard work begins from April 2013 with Saturn opposite your decan, lasting through until early October 2013. You will need to draw on the faith and hope from Neptune as this Saturn transit can be draining because of the tests and burdens you are likely to face. You might feel as if others are trying to block your progress and it is normal under this influence to feel frustrated or a bit down. The lunar eclipse on 25 April 2013 is opposite your decan so this four week period up till May 25 is likely to be the most challenging period in 2013. That eclipse in combination with Saturn will mean that you will have to show great determination and patience not to let things get your down.
Thankfully, by early June 2013 your spirits will be lifted by a Jupiter sextile which lasts through to early August 2013. This should bring more happiness to your life, clear away some of the blockages, and lead to more growth and prosperity. It is more likely now that the extra hard work you have had to put in since April will start to pay off and should in fact lead to solid achievements and recognition. Later in the year there is a brief period to watch for with Mercury retrograde opposite your decan from the 1st to 10th of November 2013. If you have an important decision to make, negotiations or contracts to sign, then it would be better avoid this week or so.
Just for Taurus horoscope born April 28 to 30, in the last six months of 2013 you revisit Pluto trine your decan which was the major influence for you last year. This brings personal power and influence so you can make substantial progress with all your goals and bring about a positive transformation in your life.
Decan 2 Taurus Horoscope 2013
The solar eclipse on 10 May 2013 falls in your decan which signals a very positive new phase of life, a fresh burst of energy and increased vitality. You should have feel strong and confident, fully able to express yourself and focus on your goals. Starting new projects is favoured and the momentum will continue up till the next eclipse in early November, however a challenging Saturn transit coming up means that you can expect to make the most progress from this eclipse up till the end of September 2013.
Your positive frame of mind will be further boosted by a Jupiter sextile from the mid August till late October 2013. This is highly likely to bring lady luck to your door and will have a most positive influence on your relationships and your professional life. The optimum period for you this year to push ahead, try your luck and make a big impact is the six week period from mid August till the end of September 2012, with the combined influences of the solar eclipse and Jupiter transit, but before the limiting Saturn transit takes effect. Wealth creation, expansion and growth, promotion at work, self promotion and travel are all in the offing.
Saturn opposite your decan from October to the end of December will put the brakes on that amazing growth spurt you have been experiencing. Now is the time to take a more defensive approach and not seek to make new gains, but to consolidate the gains already made. You should have a made good progress on your goals by now, and by being more successful, the dynamics will have changes in professional relationship and how others view you. So you may expect some backlash as others try to re assert their authority over you. This will be more noticeable with Mercury retrograde opposite your decan from 21 to 31 October, and this is not the time to make important decisions or argue with superiors. The solar eclipse on 3 November 2012 is also opposite you decan which reinforced the theme of compromise and patience from the Saturn transit.
Just for you Taurus horoscope people born from April 31 to May 2, this year marks the beginning of a major transformation in your life with Pluto trine your decan. This is an extremely fortunate and powerful transit giving you increased influence and the ability to make dramatic changes in your life.
Decan 3 Taurus 2013 Horoscope
The major influence in the beginning of this year comes from the November 2012 solar eclipse which was opposite your decan. This could present some difficulties if you try to push ahead to hard with your goals because you may face opposition from other people, especially those with some power or authority over you like employers or teachers. This eclipse cycle last through till May 2013 when the next eclipse kicks in, and that one is much more beneficial for you. There are no other major transits in the first half of 2013 so it’s pretty straight forward, just tone down your self assertion and try to compromise, keep your head down and get on with your own business.
The solar eclipse on 10 May 2013 falls in your decan, and because this eclipse comes around your birthday, it is very fortunate. It is like your personal new year and should have you feeling energized and strong, ready to push ahead with those goals which seemed hampered earlier in the year. Self confidence now and even pride, is justified because you are expressing your true nature, and people are more likely to give you the respect you deserver and even assist you with your plans. The effects of this solar eclipse will last through till early November 2013.
On it’s own, that eclipse means that it is easier to achieve success in any area of your life because of your extra enthusiasm, but also because there will be less obstacles in your path. Making success come even easier is Jupiter sextile your decan from mid October to the end of November 2013. This is a very lucky transit promoting warm and happy personal relationships, wealth creation, travel, study and spiritual growth. This is an excellent opportunity to start new projects so aim high and push hard for what you truly desire.
According to Vedic astrology there are 27 constellations made up of 12 zodiac signs, 9 planets and 12 houses with each house and planet representing some aspect of human life.pisces horoscope 2013
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