Along the way there are many folks who are still reliving something that happened to them five, ten, fifteen or more years ago which really, at a metaphysical level, no longer exists except as a thought construct within your mind and therefore, from a metaphysical level, it is process of forgiveness which releases the mind construct and then it becomes a tool with which to remove that construct maybe a bit more and more each time your mind tries to bring it up again, the pain body works that way, bringing it up again and again to renew the pain. To learn more about the pain body, check out Eckhart Tolle’s book: A New Earth. But, when forgiveness is real and true from the heart, it is over and done with and you just don’t relate to it anymore. It’s like a button people can push to get you to react, is flattened and doesn’t work anymore.
This month of August is a month to make “Forgiveness” your daily practice as you release old grievances, resentments, guilt or anger, and be very conscious that you do not continue to accumulate new grievances, resentments, guilt or anger. Let it go, forgive and let it go. I pass on to you what I use a lot and that is what is written that Jesus said on the cross “Forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.” It helps me not accumulate that which blocks the flow of love in my life. While it may be hard to understand because as was said above, this is not a rational process, people who mistreat or hurt others, whether on purpose or inadvertently, are lacking in the consciousness of living in harmony and in the love vibration which is what most of us want to bring more and more upon this earth. As we birth the new reality, the understanding that we are indeed all One and that while people who do the most unbelievably heinous things are truly responsible in the societal, rational world, forgiveness at a spiritual level is the key to not accumulating more of the kinds of actions that these kinds of people find themselves doing.
The true path of forgiveness is one of forgiving everyone and everything that you meet. This is the process that will set you free to live in love and be who you truly are, free of the past every step of the way. Even practicing forgiveness is just about putting one foot in front of the other. As always when guided to be conscious, to be effective in the vibration of love on this planet, your spirits, your guides, your angels and totems will direct you with Love and Trust as you turn up the volume and listen to your inner guidance, step by step.
As was said before, by the Oracle, is time to let the illusion of protecting yourself go, forgiveness is a key to release some of the superficiality, the untruthfulness, the little white lies, the “affectations,” the “pretending” you feel or are being one way when you are feeling or being another (being incongruent) because you still carry the guilt or anger…it all needs to go away…and now is the time. Last month you may have begun the re-creation process and so become a more authentic you, a more true and loving you, forgiving those who you feel have done you wrong or forgiving yourself for wrongs you may have committed may be only the beginning, but do remember it is a spiritual process not a rational process – you cannot forgive from the mind, you must forgive from the heart – because it is the right thing to do!
And so, dear Oracle readers, energize your heart, know that forgiveness is a key – no matter what he or she may have done, no matter what they did to you or what you did to them, you need to forgive to clear the emotional scars so that you may tap into the immense beauty and life opportunities that await a freeing of your spirit and your heart! In this state, you will see to the depths and receive the immutable truths of life. These acts of forgiveness that you accomplish this month will truly ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all you need is love…it will propel you into experiencing the power of forgiveness – completely
Let your mantra for the month of August be: I AM true to myself by forgiving everyone and everything that I meet then I AM free to live in love…And So It Is!!!
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