If you have been following some spiritual path for some period of time, be it an eclectic path or a more formal, well-traveled spiritual path, you have probably noticed the myriad of changes that are happening at both the inner and outer levels of humanity, the planet, the solar system and indeed the Universe and the Cosmos. It is really big! The shift from duality to Oneness has begun. Spoken of for thousands of years by indigenous peoples and now showing more and more to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear…the importance, at a personal level, is that you move more and more into your True Self, the more authentic you. That you explore inwardly and outwardly who you are and focus this month on shedding that which is not working for you, including people, and opening to new and different people and experiences.
With your personal growth, you have opened and expanded your intuition so that you can begin to focus on Following Your Spirit Without Hesitation. This is an important commitment to make as you clearly focus on what is going on with you, what is going on with others, how do you want to be seen, how do you want to see others, since you absolutely have the Dolphin energy of sounding out the depths of things and the Eagle’s ability to see from high above now, you can expand and focus these new openings and new attitudes and ideas into a more comprehensive ability to use as you transition who you are into the new reality.
Know that many are suffering, know that many are leaving the planet and this causes those of us who love them pain, but your spirits and guides send encouragement that all is in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing, always in all ways. That is part of another spiritual practice, that of acceptance, which is important, but now, this month, focus on standing in the light and bring the clarity to what it is that you wish to create out of your life, out of who you are, what is your great work…or your steadfast holding of the love space for the planet and those who are doing the great work which you support. There is value in all of it as each individual soul focuses on what it is their spirit is directing them to accomplish.
So, as you carry on and through this month of October, bring things into focus, use your discernment, pay attention to details, this is the time to be involved, not just let go. There are certainly times for letting go but these are the times for focusing. Stand tall in what it is you are desirous of achieving, obtaining, being, doing, having. The laser light of your focus will make clear what your directions are if you are lacking direction at this time. If you are totally influenced by the drama of others and do not know where to turn to get your balance, focus on your heart, listen to your inner voice, turn the energy inward, go to that sacred place within your self and pray for the ability to bring light, to bring focus to those caught up in the dramas of the illusion and for you to show the way or get out of the way.
In reading this Oracle you are personally directed that you can and will get clear on what you want to do, be and have, that you can and will see clearly what the situations placed in front of you are and what they mean and the choices you have, focusing on where you would want to be on the other side of whatever it is. This Oracle is here to alert you that this new level of deep intuitive wisdom that is emerging into your consciousness is very, very real. Yet again, you are being asked to suspend judgment and focus clearly on the events unfolding in your life because they are meant to teach you more and more about your self and the world around you. By focusing, you will be shown the means to absorb old emotional energy and convert it into spiritual energy.
Your guides and spirits are letting you know that you are also encouraged that as you focus on accepting you life, your abilities and vulnerabilities without judgment, you are being guided to know your self better and better without fear or resistance to your shadow side. It is only by focusing on knowing your self better both inside: what you think, how do you think about others, how you talk to yourself, what that committee in your head says to you and outside: what you say, is it the truth? Is it honest? Do you condemn others, judge others, are you consistent with what is going on inside? These are your focus for the month of October. Authenticity is being you, consistently. It does not mean you are the same all the time or that you have reached some state of enlightenment where you are there…ta da!!! It is a process, an ever-changing array of subtle energies, authentically expressing themselves to the world, through you.
This month of October is a month to focus on “Focusing” your attention, bringing the illusion into transparency, lifting the veil, clearing the clutter in your mind and in your life and thereafter reflecting upon the incoming sensations and how they cause you to react and think differently, if they do. You were, like all of us, conditioned to focus on the things we were taught to focus on, having many blindsides, so to speak. In these changing times as you are shifting so much, you must shift your focus so that you can perceive without the coloring of your previous conditioning. It is time to focus on what is before you, consciously. In that process you will incorporate the results into the True, Authentic you. In this state, you will continue to see to the depths and receive the immutable truths of life.
Bring light and clarity to all that is going on with you by focusing, even in the midst of the chaos that appears to be happening in your life and here on this planet. It will not only convert old energies but add to and balance your spiritual energies and will truly ground you further in the bonds of Divine Love that hold it all together, all the time no matter what so remember…all you need is love…it will propel you into more and more into the expansion of your ability to focus upon and beyond the illusion – through the mists!
Let your mantra for the month of October be: I breathe in Divine Love as I focus on accepting, without judgment, my life, my abilities and my vulnerabilities…And So It Is!!!
Darity Wesley is the Founder and Chief Spiritual Revivalist at ReviveYourSpirit™ based in San Diego, California. You can contact her at Darity@ReviveYourSpirit.org. You can follow her on Twitter @SpiritReviver. If you wish to subscribe to Darity’s ~The Daily Oracle~™, just send an email to Darity@ReviveYourSpirit.org, simply put “Subscribe” in the subject line. To learn more about Darity see her Bio page here on OM-Times Magazine If you are on Facebook, help promote Darity by clicking the “Like” button at www.Facebook.com/DarityWesley © The RYS Center All Rights Reserved
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