Your horoscope for 2013 by Darkstar Astrology is divided into Libra decans as follows:
Libra 1st decan born Sep 23 to Oct 3.
Libra 2nd decan born Oct 4 to 13.
Libra 3rd decan born Oct 14 to 22.
Decan 1 Libra 2013
You guys start the new year on a very positive note because the November 2012 lunar eclipse was trine your decan increasing your self esteem and optimism. This eclipse should be making you feel emotionally well balanced and it encourages warm and friendly relationship and a more supportive and calm home life. Other people in general should be supportive of your efforts too, and reaching you goals is easier under this eclipse influence as there are less obstacles to success, it all comes much easier than at other times. The best time to take advantage of this supportive energy is from the beginning of the year up till late March 2013 with Jupiter trine your decan. This will further increase your good cheer and relaxed attitude to life, so holidays and having fun socializing is ideal. But this is such a growth and success oriented combination that it would be a waste just to sit back and enjoy the ride. Luck is certainly on your side now so push yourself to achieve big gains at work and in your private life. You will be attracting good things so new relationships started now will be prosperous, as would any financial deals.
The May 25 lunar eclipse supersedes that earlier eclipse and this one is sextile your decan which has a similar positive effect but is a bit more energetic than relaxed. Friendly relations should continue and your self confidence and enthusiasm means that you will keep on making a good impression on others. You may feel the urge to start new projects and expand your horizons, however from mid June to mid August 2013, a Jupiter square suggests that you should show some restraint and not take on too much at once. The key is to not scatter your energy but to focus on fewer projects. There may be a tendency to exaggerate or over estimate your abilities, and your bank balance, so don’t spend more than you earn during this Jupiter transit.
For those born September 27 to October 1 only, you have the Uranus opposition up till the end of March 2012. This does cause tension and uncertainty in your life but you have been dealing with this erratic energy for a lot of last year already. So the last few months of this transit you see you learning to adapt to the major changes that have taken place, and you will emerge with a greater sense of freedom and higher self awareness.
For Libra horoscope born October 2 and 3 only, you still have Pluto square your decan most of the year, plus you revisit the Uranus opposition from April 2013. You did had a taste of this very disruptive and intense energy last year and still have to deal with the radical changes for the remainder of 2013. This is a very soul-evolving combination, it is not easy, but after it peaks with the fifth of the Uranus Pluto squares on November 1 2013, you will be so much stronger and feel more in control of your life.
Decan 2 Libra Horoscope 2013
Not much happening for most of you early this year but there are a couple of Jupiter transits later on to liven you up. First though, Mercury is retrograde square your decan from July 4 to 20. For this couple of weeks your thinking may be a bit rushed or muddled, so it will be important to take care in all your communications. Avoid getting into arguments or making bold statements at this time, and put off any important decisions or contract negotiations. The best time for this kind of thiing, and for getting anything done really this year is from mid March to mid May 2013 because you have the extremely fortunate Jupiter trine. This will boost your confidence and enthusiasm and bring a more relaxed and harmonious feel to all your relationships. You may want to travel at this time, which like anything you do now will broaden your horizons and lead to personal growth.
The Jupiter trine is a very lucky transit and you could make some big gains financially or make new friends which are very helpful to you. Trines can be a bit lazy so don’t let this one slip by, push hard and aim high because success is more likely now than at any other time this year. From early August to late October 2013, a Jupiter square will also increase you desire to get more out of life and you can make gains at this time. However you will have to reign in your enthusiasm somewhat because there is a tendency under this influence to take on too much and thus scatter your energies. Avoid overindulgences and extravagance because unlike the previous Jupiter transit, your finances may not hold up so well.
For you Librans born on October 4 and 5 only, Pluto is square your decan this year which is very intense and challenging. Power and control issues may arise in relationships which could pose problems in both your personal and professional life. With a Uranus opposition beginning in April 2013, the pressure becomes even greater and will force some radical changes in your life. You are entering a major transformational phase of your life where nothing is certain so you will have to remain flexible and open to changes, and you may have to learn to be more ruthless if other people try to dominate you.
Decan 3 Libra 2013 Horoscope
Wealth, happiness and good luck are in store with Jupiter trine your decan from early May to the end of June 2013. You should be feeling very optimistic and self confident during these couple of month and good things will be attracted to you, from new friends, career opportunities and social experiences or travel, all of which will greatly expand your horizons. This is a a lucky transit and you should make the effort to take advantage of any opportunities because this is by far the best transit you have this year. So if you have been thinking of starting a new project, taking a holiday or starting new studies, do it during this time while things are on your side and there a fewer obstacles to success.
From June 26 to July 4 2013, Mercury retrograde makes the challenging square aspect to your decan and you will find it more difficult to focus because of a scattered feeling or problems expressing yourself clearly. This is not the time to make bold promises or enter into negotiations, and the signing of contacts should be avoided now. The October 18 2012 lunar eclipse is opposite your decan and this puts a major focus on your close one to one relationships for the rest of 2013. You might find that any differences between you and other become more obvious now and could be the cause of some tension. Compromise is need on your part, and this will also apply to where you share your energies in other areas of life.
This eclipse also highlights the polarities in your life, such as the need of your loved ones versus your obligations at work. So you have a balancing act to perform, trying to keep the harmony and balance in your life. During this eclipse cycle, you also have Jupiter square your decan from mid October to the end of November 2013. This will increase your desire to get more out of life and increase your enthusiasm and self confidence. You may have some luck on your side but the square aspect means you have to work for it. It would also be to your advantage if you focused on fewer, rather than more projects, and work within your means. This is due to a tendency under this Jupiter transit to over estimate your capabilities or resources. Basically, don’t be greedy or boastful and you do all right.
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