You Are Not Alone: Angels, Archangels & Master
OM Times Magazine | November 23, 2012
Guardian Angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters Are Always By Your Side
By Shelly Wilson
Every human being desires to not only feel loved, but to give love as well. It’s innate within each of us to want to connect with others, to want to be open and to live an authentic life. We want to love and to be loved in return. Expressing love and sharing kindness takes such a small effort yet has an enormous effect. This ripple of love surpasses anything anyone could imagine if they would just simply allow this love to come in. I know that anything is possible with love – as love is all there really is. There is an essential need for people to grow together, support one another and walk together as both human companions and soul companions.
Why should I stay at the bottom of a well, when a strong rope is in my hand? ~ Rumi
This quote by Rumi reminds me that we are not alone, and that there is a great amount of love and support available to each one of us. The rope is an analogy for our support system. Our family and friends are in our lives for a reason. Sometimes, they do not know that we need assistance so it is crucial to actually ask for help when we need it. In turn, offer your support when you can to others. Our friends are the souls we have chosen to accompany us on our journey in this lifetime, and are an important part of our learning and growth.
In addition to the support network of our friends and family, each one of us has a guardian angel, which has been with us since the moment we were born. We also have access to all of the Archangels and Ascended Masters. The angels continue to remind us that they are with us standing by ready, willing and able to assist. All we have to do is ask for their assistance as they cannot intervene in our freewill choices unless the consequences are dire, and it is not our time to depart the earthly plane. We can call upon them for assistance at any time as they are available to everyone. You do not need to reference any particular Archangel or Ascended Master to receive support. Simply say, “Archangels/Ascended Masters, I call upon you now!”
However, if you do wish to call upon a specific Archangel based on their specialties, I have provided a short list for you here. Please know that there are many others. I encourage you to seek resources to learn more about the Archangels and Ascended Masters.
Michael ~ strength, courage, determination, protection
Raphael ~ healing
Gabriel ~ communication
Uriel ~ knowledge, understanding
Chamuel ~ peace
Ariel ~ manifesting
Metatron ~ writing, achieving potential
Azrael ~ transitions, healing
Jophiel ~ beautifying thoughts, clearing clutter
Raguel ~ relationship harmony
Haniel ~ strengthening psychic abilities
Therefore, as an example, you would say, “Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please provide me with strength, courage, and protection during this time.”
Meditation is an excellent tool to connect with YOU. In doing so, you are connecting with your Higher Self, your angels, your guides and even your loved ones in the spiritual realm. Meditation comes in many forms. You may choose to listen to a guided meditation, simply sit quietly or even go for a walk. Each of these methods ultimately has the same end result – connecting you to your soul. It is necessary for you to select the appropriate form of meditation that resonates with you.
Good for the body is the work of the body, and good for the soul is the work of the soul, and good for either is the work of the other. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Cultivating a relationship with your guides is beneficial and refreshing. While studying advanced mediumship, the course’s exercises gave me the motivation I needed to strengthen and cultivate the relationship that I have with each one of my guides. I recognize that they are patiently waiting for me to communicate with them regularly rather than rely on them periodically. I previously viewed them as a collective rather than separate entities. Now, I feel the tremendous need to recognize their individuality.
I have opted to go into meditation on several occasions with the specific intent to learn more about each one of my guides. I chose to do so silently rather than using a guided meditation. They presented themselves to me one at a time, and I acknowledged their presence. I recognize that I definitely need to spend time daily cultivating the relationship that I have with each one of them. My guides assist me daily in my work. I feel like it is important to mention that it is extremely comfortable and minimal effort is required to connect with my guides. Doing so is as effortless as picking up the telephone to call a friend only no charges are incurred for making the connection.
I pay attention to the nudges and whispers and will pause to meditate as I am guided to. There is no minimum or maximum time limit required to do so. I simply allow myself to be. In doing so, I feel the Divine energy that surrounds me. I allow it to envelop my entire being, and I give thanks for All That Is. Being thankful for this moment and every moment, I allow the love to flow freely through me and around me, and I simply breathe. My heart overflows with gratitude and joy. I am conscious of being present in this moment. I recognize the guidance I am receiving. I am allowing myself to simply breathe. I acknowledge and appreciate that I am not alone for my angels and guides are with me always.
About Shelly Intuitive Medium, Reiki Master and Spiritual Teacher Shelly Wilson would love to assist you on your spiritual journey. With respect, truth, integrity and love, Shelly honors your free will and recognizes that you are co-creating your reality with the Universe. She offers private readings, intuitive coaching, Reiki sessions, and teaches workshops. Shelly has two courses available through the DailyOM.
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