Astrological Influences for 2013
2013, a year with number 13
First, it is important to know that the number 13 symbolizes “transformation” in many spiritual traditions. In tarot, the book of 13 is “death”. Unfortunately, most people associate to this number the idea of bad luck, some, the idea of luck, but few people really understand the meaning of these transformation processes that we all go through.
Any transformation means letting die one structure (to be redefined, to be dissolved) and allow other structures to be created instead of the old ones. This "replacement" first leads to "death" of the old structures at psychic level, emotional level and mental level. The feeling that something in you dies is not easy. This is why most people choose not to transform certain aspects in themselves or in their lives.
Before that new thing to "install" and manifest, something old and useless must "die" and this first feeling is unbearable for many, even if they would like to have that something new, better and more beautiful.
It is important to understand this process, in order to understand the resistance to change, even if we get something better eventually.
We all deal these feelings, some of us being more courageous, others more fearful... the brave ones are the pioneers of planetary transformation and spiritual good which gradually appears.
Astrological background for entire year 2013
That process of profound transformation that I described at the beginning of last year continues, and it leads to a gradual redefinition of this world which we live in. There are two most important conjunctures which are maintained throughout the year, and one of them was "installed" last year.
Squaring Pluto - Uranus
This square was formed last year, resulting in an inside "strain" of the crowds related to free will. This square confronts us with a choice that is present since man and creation exists, but now it must become a conscious one. God gived us the free will, by definition, trough our human nature ... at the same time, there is a divine harmony that we may choose to integrate in, or rebel against it. We have the opportunity to war with divine harmony in order to follow ego’s "recommendations", seeing only the small image of our personal thoughts and ideas.
Also, we are able to try to alchemize these instinctive tendencies and seek after the big picture of the divine plan which our life is a part of, to seek to discover the big picture in which we live as human beings.
Uranus-Pluto square forces us to enhance the fight with our inner structures, those that obstructs us from seeing the big picture and the divine. It forces us and wakes the revolt in everyone to overcome our petty and insignificant existences, creating conditions to see something great and beyond ego’s the insignificant individuality.
It makes us wonder how much our existence contributes to the bigger picture and how could we integrate on the direct path to the divine plan. Obviously, free will allows us to resist and rebel against spiritual energies, sticking desperately on our perspective to the world.
It's like we were convinced that we stay still because we do not actually see that from another perspective we spin at breakneck speed around an axis, and from another perspective we move with all solar system within a more elaborate structure.
The choose till where we see (and especially feel) belongs to us, but this world won’t stop walking just because we have existential problems with the boss, family or money ... From this point of view we are irrelevant to this universe, and if we seek a purpose for our existence, it is necessary to seek another level where we look ...
Neptune goes in perfect conjunction with fixed star Fomalhaut
This star is known as the Renaissance star and Neptune resides in ideals, beliefs and unconditional love.
We see a rebirth of beliefs and ideals this year, a process that actually initiated lately, and now will increase strongly.
If we've been paying attention, in the last several years appeared, along with the internet age, the age of spiritual information, a lot of rages, systems of beliefs, ideals and spiritual techniques, some promise the enlightenment in a few hours, others invite you to asceticism, others the joy of life and self-love, and so on.
But most of the information relates to love, acceptance, tolerance, belief in a universal and beneficial superior force. Most documentaries have begun to open our eyes to truths deeper than we knew before, to information about us as a species and to the world we live in, which do not let us live our ignorance in which we were educated by now (unless, obviously, if we insist).
The purpose of this wave of information is exactly radically change our perspective, to help us transform the system of beliefs, ideals and possibilities to which we refer, aspects related to the energy of Neptune.
If we look around, we cannot see middle course any more ... those who have chosen a life of suffering and ignorance, have some of this in abundance, and those who have chosen a life full of optimism and happiness, attend the abundance of these issues.
Because of the huge amount of information, we can not hide and say that things are good as they are because there is no other option anyway. From now on everyone has access to information about what is possible in this world: miraculous healing, transformation techniques, spiritual laws, esoteric knowledge, etc., aspects that allow anyone to see both possibilities, and results that can be obtained.
It’s all about opening our being to something higher and accept ideals that we weren’t taught by this world, ideals of happiness, prosperity, joy of life and gratitude to God.
Neptune with Fomalhaut conjunction facilitates this revival if we are open to look into ourselves sublime and divine ideals, far beyond what we have learned that it is possible by ordinary and rational mind understanding.
Astrologer Zoltan Veres
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