Welcome to “Touch Down” after flying by the seat of our pants in 2012 with the FIVE Universal year crying out; watch out for the flakes, clear the deck, get your self out there and don’t look back! In order to understand the SIX that is arriving we must first take a peek at just a few of the themes of last year. As of December 2012 it is apparent the message is “What Worked before Will Not Continue” Simply, Great Growth has arrived! We saw an escalation of violence and such mind blowing horrific torture of the vulnerable it seemed sub-human.
The FIVE is also publicity, scandal, media sales and promotion filling our news feeds with non stop graphic images and dark deeds literally making millions and billions off this darkness.
The positive of the FIVE is that the media brought focus on the greed and “good old boy club” that has always worked more in secret. The FIVE would not allow this to continue literally “blowing their cover” with the media showing segments of back room fund raising statements, comments about women’s rights with their bodies to be taken away from them, this has activated a major revolution of the women in this country and around the world that exploded on to an ever higher level of working together in the future to stop further suffering of women. By election time we found that women literally blocked many of those in power from continuing their efforts to do so in a political arena.
Most of us have been praying for a healing and the energy to arrive that will assist in stopping this toxic energy.
We questioned in 2012 if we would survive as the pain was becoming overwhelming and the indifference never ending. We were becoming numb to the suffering with the over saturation of repetitive violence. Our FIVE Universal year, became a long time festering abscess that was getting larger each day and its pain threshold even higher. At the arrival of the SIX it has now opened, to start the process of healing that this New Year will bring to us all.
SIX UNIVERSAL YEAR – It Takes a Village to Raise a Child
We are now walking through the door of the SIX which will be a refreshing cycle in many ways despite the fact there is still much work to do! We have learned many lessons in a most painful way and it has taken the lives of innocent children slaughtered in their school and other heinous crimes to assist us to wake up and start taking a harder look at how we can stop this violence.
As 2013 has arrived, with all of the exposed shame of humanity we are aware it is “enough” and that we need to unite, heal and love one another not only in this country but to see the worlds “connectedness” and the truth that we are all one. The SIX has always been known as; service to others, partnerships, marriage and the resolving of conflict with more harmony. Health issues and rights will continue to be a forum world wide. The political arena is a perfect example of issues that arrived in the FIVE year can intensify in the SIX as the apparent greed and lack of compassion of some and their refusal to think of others, not just themselves has started to cast an unsavory light upon each one of them. As the people of this country started to stand up and say “No More, you all do your job or you are fired,” they have started to feel the pressure and forced to work together for the people. On this first day of 2013 they are still sitting there having the start of an awakening of what the SIX year will be about which will not only touches politics but all of our individual lives through out this country.
This New Year is about Cooperation, healing and bringing a stronger unity to those with certain “causes” regarding; this earth, the vulnerable and suffering; animal cruelty, child abuse, and International harmony. The SIX is known as being the vibration of marriage, family, our neighborhoods and interactions with others around the world. Healing is the goal; emotionally, spiritually environmentally and on the physical level. We will become better people and not turn our backs to those that are suffering right before our eyes. The recent weather disasters the past few years have not just been tragic for there is a higher plan involved with these tests. They have opened our hearts bringing amazing compassionate demonstrations of reaching out and helping our neighbors whether near or far.
The SIX now is opening the door to continuing the healing asking us all to “Come along” together we can make a positive difference leaving no one excluded in the process.
Be in Love & Light!
Elaina Deva Proffitt
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