I focus on your name, eyes closed and already images are starting to happen like in the movies. Images as taken from afar, a little blurry, slow.
Then I began to distinguish yourself in the mist. I see you walking blindly. Looking for a way that you can not find. You expect someone who does not. Calls remain unanswered, in complete solitude.
And suddenly I see you take a specific direction. I am with you, and yet it is not where we need to go. I know it is not the right direction.
How do you prevent it? To act quickly?
At this very second, I feel very strong the urgent need to improve your situation. Avoid letting you take the wrong road. It is not too late, I know.
I can not leave you full hesitation, you push more at risk of not being able to one day go back. It is true that looking at your past life, I see you have taken the wrong directions.
Particularly in recent years, I perceive a chain of negative events, as if you hold down a maze scary without the possibility of finding the exit. The more you look, the more you move away, the more you lose!
I can tell you that so that I will offer to find all this out.
I believe even more that you are not entirely responsible for your current situation The. Of course, I saw your mistakes. Needless to emphasize, as you know. But I saw what happened in your childhood, during which some of your actual abilities have not been developed. Would you lacked support, support? Youth is a difficult time, difficult to contain. Personality is shaped face disappointments and fears. A sentimental and emotional disappointment also comes too early in life did not help matters.
Your sensitivity and your great need
love have never been completely satisfied.
This is even worse than your astrological sign, and especially your ascendant, are affected by this sensitivity "to love and be loved." Non-fulfillment of this request could not that getting early blockages and tensions that have influenced your life then.
You doubt in the face of existence. You lack decisiveness. Your doubts prevent you from imposing face life and others. Yet you have everything you need to succeed, but you are more vulnerable. We enjoyed (and still enjoy) you. You have been hurt. I would even say that sometimes sought to destroy you.
Astrologically, you have a
Another great feature.
I know even more that we have some things in common. Yes! You have it in you large capacities. I would say a real DON and you ignore it you will have to discover. You could succeed beautifully in an area that is not yours now.
I have the feeling that you were unable to express yourself as you wish. It is high time to regroup, to go on the offensive, if not ... I will not answer anything for you now, as your future.
I think I have the right to tell you this because I want you to react. But beware! You can not allow you to go in the wrong direction!
I just deepen your astrological analysis,
and I also re-focused on your clairvoyance.
With your permission, I can go further in pursuing this work and send it to you very quickly.
My advice? I confirm immediately your consent for your Great Tarot Thorough is so urgent for you!
(You will come easily read the rest of this letter immediately after)
You will then hands many elements that you escape today. To change course and succeed, finally, your life, you must know your strengths and weaknesses, including those that are hidden. You must learn to fully utilize your skills in your professional life, social and emotional. Be effective in working life, in human relationships, it is always put in a position to reap the best profits.
Let's talk about your current life
and your outlook The.
I begin with a caveat. I saw that recently, you missed a chance in a matter of money. You remember? It would be nice to avoid you .... again, maybe! You need to take an initiative in this area, and you have not been for lack of desire and enthusiasm.
What a pity! It is a pity that your sky chart is marked by a star beneficial, a star that has great potential opportunities in many areas.
If Luck does not seem to support you at this time, although you say Luck never forces the doors of Destiny: you only need to enter the information just when it happens.
For example, if you have the opportunity to win a large sum in the lottery, millionaire or any other gambling, this possibility is very visible in your sky chart. Some signs do not deceive someone warned. But should be ready to play at the right moment to win. Understand me: nobody will take your chances for you! It is up to you how to do this and only you!
Well! Chances these benefactors,
ME I know that you know!
I can even tell you that something will come to your door in the next 4 months. Can you take this opportunity that life offers? It is high time for you to enter - for 6 months ahead - a period Astrological extremely favorable. For you, a new beginning, the beginning of a brand new location, a completely new life!
It is a fact! From the end of next month, and at least five to six months, you are yourself a "field" to develop fertile lots of positive things. But before "harvest" the good grain, it is imperative that you remove the passive sticks to the skin. You must get out of those blocks that keep you in check.
And what's great is that now you just have to want really, because if you really want it, I guarantee you rapid success!
Let me take a specific example
You have around you a person who can be very beneficial. However, you there's a wall difficult to overcome. It is up to you to take this wall. And it's worth it! But do you know take full advantage? Only will you be able to recognize this person? Will you be able to go to his own advances? Will you have enough radiation, dynamic trust you to allow this relationship to thrive at last?
In the state of negativity where you are right now the I'm not at all certain. I rather fear that you place next door, let me tell you frankly ... and friendly.
Something else. I feel around you something very negative, marked by the sign of Scorpio (a sign which, in itself, however, is not negative, you know).
I also see a person who can be very beneficial, whose first name, or perhaps the name begins with F, the letter F. Who can it be? You may have already
an idea?
Yet another example. I know that currently the problem that you most at heart, you act completely against the grain. The worst thing is that at times you remember perfectly well. You always do what not to do, take initiatives at the wrong time, whatever you do is going to the opposite of what you expect.
Is that correct? Want
I tell you a little more?
Well, in a few days do not you fear taking another initiative that will hurt you more than help you? Think ... you have made a decision, but you'll start to doubt ... so, let me tell you, the, that, in these circumstances, you're not wrong to doubt!
Frankly, all these aspects should be explored.
You deserve the help of a complete Astro Tarot Thorough.
Too many things are happening around you. Too many things are unstable. Too many things can fail in bad or good. I can not sit idly by, I really want us to go further together. You must have felt good now!
To tell the truth, I've started today, because this study Free and fast as I send you here a lot longer than I usually do (I mean my clairvoyance fast free, of course)
- Will you now give me the means to achieve your case a Great Tarot Study Complete and Thorough?
- Do you want me to see in detail all your future?
What will your immediate future? What will be your distant future?
- Do you want me to determine what are the right direction to take? To avoid the bad?
- Do you finally have valuable relationships with good people?
And promptly eliminate those that are not?
- Do you finally enter your Chances and find real support?
- Do you want your Astro Tarot gives you a "snapshot" of all your possibilities to come?
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