Your horoscope for 2013 by Darkstar Astrology is divided into Leo Decans as follows:
Leo 1st Decan born Jul 23 to Aug 2.
Leo 2nd Decan born Aug 3 to 12.
Leo 3rd Decan born Aug 13 to 22.
Decan 1 Leo 2013
Things are looking up for you guys because up till late April 2013, a positive sextile aspect from the November 2012 lunar eclipse is till working to increase your energy and optimism. It means that you can get on with your life and work at getting ahead with a lot less stress. This is because your relationships should be more harmonious and there are fewer obstacles in your path. The news gets even better because up till late March 2013, a Jupiter sextile is bringing abundance and good luck. This combination of the eclipse and Jupiter is excellent for branching out in the world, making new friends, making more money, and enriching your life thorough study or travel.
Lunar eclipses usually last about five or six months, up till the next one. But this year there are two in a row and you are directly affected by both. This means that the first one, the April 25 lunar eclipse will only affect your for one month. That’s a good thing in this case because it makes the challenging square aspect to your decan. So during this period you may experience some relationship difficulties and will notice than things don’t go your way so easily, especially coming off a really fortunate start to the year. The May 25 lunar eclipse trine your decan brings back the harmony and self confidence, and that will carry you through till late October 2013.
One little period to watch out for this year is Mercury retrograde square your decan from November 1 to 10. This could add confusion, delays and miscommunication, so try to avoid any important decision making at this time and slot in any negotiation or contract signing before or after these dates.
Just for Leo horoscope born July 27 to August 2 only, you have two more transits this year one nice, one nasty. The good one, and also the longer lasting one is Uranus trine your decan which will last into early next year. This will have a stimulating and creative influence allowing you to make positive changes in your life. You should be able to express your uniqueness more comfortablly and with more flair. Now this is contradicted by a Saturn square from the beginning of April till early October 2013. This Saturn transit will be dominant over Uranus during that period and will make it harder to make any of those positive changes. It means hard work on your part and you may feel restricted. Any delays you experience can be seen as temporary, allowing you to perfect some skills you need, or Saturn may simply hold you back because other things are not yet in place which would allow you to succeed.
Decan 2 Leo Horoscope 2013
There are some challenging ahead this year from Saturn but also may opportunities for growth and success from Jupiter, it’s all in the timing. The longer term transit is the Saturn square for most of this year, but with retrograde motion you will get a break from early April to the beginning of October 2013. This is probably the most difficult of all transits and interestingly that post does get more search traffic than any of our other transit articles. It’s worth reading as there are many comments from people sharing their experiences, which range from frustration at facing delays and restrictions, to some big advances through hard work and determination. Generally though, you will need patience and may have to take a more defensive position in all of your dealings, both professional and personal.
A Jupiter sextile from mid March to mid May 2013 is the time to break free and push your luck because this is a very fortunate transit promoting growth and success. The dampening effect of Saturn disappears during these months so you should feel noticeably more confident and optimistic. Study or travel is favoured now and anything you try your hand at should bring satisfaction and increase your level of happiness and even wealth. Once this lucky Jupiter transit has finished, the May 10 solar eclipse makes the more challenging square aspect to your decan, and with the November 3 2012 solar eclipse also making this tense square, it looks like the rest of this year and into 2014 could present some challenges, especially in the area of close relationships.
Challenges to your authority are possible and you will have to strive harder to make gains, and will probably find that just standing your ground will keep you busy. A square from Mercury retrograde square between October 21 to 31 will increase the risk of any ego conflicts turning into serious arguments. You may feel more defensive and vulnerable at this time and may not be thinking so clearly. This is not the time to make bold statements, promises, or to start any important negotiations.
Just for those born August 3 to 5 only, you will start to feel the stimulating and exciting Uranus trine from mid April to late October 2013. This opens up many new opportunities in your life and allows you to make major changes without causing upsets. You should feel the anticipation of better things on the horizon and should enjoy more freedom and ease in expressing yourself. New relationships may form with more interesting types, or existing relationships may be rejuvenated.
Decan 3 Leo 2013 Horoscope
You guys might struggle a bit early this year but things look very bright ahead. The November 2012 solar eclipse was square your decan, and so is solar eclipse on the 10th of May 2013. So there is a major theme this year of tension within relationships which will play out until October 2013. It’s not all gloom because a very fortunate Jupiter transit in the middle will be most helpful in resolving any relationships dramas. I’ll get to that in a sec, but these eclipse squares one after another could see you questioning yourself and having to dig deep to maintain your self confident and remain in a positive frame of mind. This is because others may give you a hard time, and it could come from people who do have a big influence on your life like parents, bosses and partners. If this does happen then you may have to back down or make compromises, because the harder you dig your heels in, the more resistance you will face.
Now the exception to all this comes from early May to the end of June 2013 because lucky Jupiter is sextile your decan. This will greatly increase you confidence and ability to win people over. They will appreciate your friendly nature and enthusiasm so will be more likely to go along with your plans. So if you have been having a few dramas with your partner or the boss at work, then now is the time to kiss and make up. You will be feeling much more relaxed and conformable with yourself and should find that others are much more friendly towards you. If you have been struggling to make gains then now is the time to push ahead because luck is on your side and things should flow more easily, less of the obstacles that you may been facing.
There is a lunar eclipse on the 18th of October 2013 which is trine your decan. This will put to rest any relationships problems or lack of self confidence from those earlier eclipses. Just like with that Jupiter transit, you will find it much easier to express yourself and should not have to deal with any resistance from others. This new eclipse is a good omen for more harmony in close relationships and a much more supportive home life. New relationships are more likely to form now, ones that are based on mutual respect and have a very tight emotional bond.
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