Your Personal Month Number Is ….
In my previous post, I wrote about Personal Year Numbers in Numerology and how to calculate them. Today I wanted to talk about our Personal Month Numbers. To calculate your own Personal Month Number, add your Personal Year Number to the current month. I am in a Personal Year of 7 so I would add a 1 for the month of January, and it gives me my Personal Month of 8.
The energy for the Personal Month of 8, is about taking a close look at your finances, both for your business and personal life. This can include becoming more organized around our finances, reevaluating what worked well in the past and what needs adjusting. The energy of the 8 asks us to balance our work and personal life, paying special attention to our health. We maybe working hard this month, but it will pay dividends!
If you are in a Personal Month of 8, and since it is the beginning of the year, it’s a perfect time to follow through in these areas. It is interesting, because that is exactly what I have initiated this month. In addition, I have been nicely recovering from a minor fall injuring my hip, and now I can exercise and practice mindfulness when walking. I also scheduled many of my medical checkups, not procrastinating as I tend to do. On the flip side of the 8, we can often come off as a bit too blunt. Although we mean well, take care and think before we speak because we may be misunderstood this month. When you turn the 8 on it’s side, it becomes the lemniscate or infinity symbol. The energy of the 8 can be a bit stubborn; it reminds us to be flexible, flow, listening to the ideas of others, even if we don’t share those views.
8 – the Strength card from Gaian Tarot.
In the world of Tarot, 8 in the Major Arcana is the Strength card. The Strength card in the Gaian Tarot, speaks to me of a gentle strength, but also about embracing our passion and wild beauty. It is an active, radiant energy. It’s about persistence, self-discipline, embracing our fear or shadow self, inner and outer strength. It reminds me of Marianne Williamson’s quote: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?… Your playing small does not serve the world. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” from A Return To Love
“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” – Audre Lorde
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