For Leo, who recently decided to break relations or currently leads a solitary existence, the stars of this period predict a romance, which is likely to cause a big change in your lifestyle. Good luck is on your side, and the benefits of these changes will soon be more than evident.
The planets in Leo in the love sector, in early 2013 does not contain elements of positive or negative, but we can not say that his relationships are in a phase of stagnation. More likely, is that in this period the Lions, in varying degrees, to reap the benefits of previous decisions, so that the first months of the new year will take place in a peaceful atmosphere in the development of the relationship with another person.
From March to April, the crisis for couples whose relationships have had problems for a long time, and where each compatibility is poor, in such unions, under an influence of Pluto that is not permanent, may be more intolerant of various stimuli emanating from each other, what can lead to gossip, excessive demands, the ultimatum, and ultimately rupture. .
In contrast to the early spring, the period from May to June, Leo's love life will be peace and harmony, that it is the emergence of the moon in the love sector. In the spring season leo find that your life is filled with loving success in May finally arrives the opportunity to find your soul mate. In some cases, they were the betrothal, marriage, but as always, haste in this case could cost real problems in the future .
The appearance of the goddess Venus will definitely love to read in the summer, will come with a period of prosperity and happiness for all lovers and promising new appointments for Leo still has not found love. The most important of this period is the universal happiness Lions will live with his energetic character and leadership qualities, to enjoy all the gifts sent from heaven.
The only dangerous moment in the period from July to September will be the appearance of Pluto in your horoscope, which always portends a kind of shock. Fortunately for Leo, there is nothing to fear, but in loving union, this planet can cause violence and furious gossip, often without reason, or as they say, "unfounded".
With the arrival of the fall season in 2013, could change the landscape of the relations of the Lions, especially this feature will be in October, the Leo will temper with your partner, in fact, in their nature tend to be dominant . This uncompromising attitude is intolerant and concessions in the couple can create an impenetrable wall between the two and later result in a rupture would not be easy. Despite the events, the Lions will be fully convinced in his own right, and the validity of their claims.
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