Tarot numerological forecast for 2013 .
One type of numerological forecast is taro-numerological forecast, which analyzes your age in the coming year to use the symbolism of the Tarot. Rather, it is not even forecast and recommendations: to concentrate in the coming year, and what to try to avoid. Symbolism card advises what to do in a given case, and the prognosis is similar to divination by the Tarot.
How to count.
Take figure coming year - 2013. To this figure we add your age, which you will reach in the coming year. For example, a person having given birth in 1980, in 2013, reached the age of 33 years. The amount will be 2013 33 = 2046. This figure is given to a number less than 22. In our case it is 2 +0 +4 +6 = 12.
You must be in the same way to calculate their number. This figure and you use when binding to the tarot cards.
then you need to read what you recommend tarot cards in the new year, what you need to avoid, what to strive for, which gives you easy, but for something you will want to make incredible efforts.
1 - Tarot card "Magician." In the coming year you need to take the initiative. We need to act, we need willpower. It is easy to increase your credibility, identify or strengthen leadership. Can take a trip abroad. Can enhance a career. You can buy an apartment. But all this is only possible if your personal actions.
But inaction and lack of initiative will bring you problems in his personal and family life. Reluctance to realize their own ambitions can lead to poor career and job loss.
2 - "Priestess". In the coming year interest in the mysterious and enigmatic, exercise intuition and you will get all dreamed about. Do not be afraid to do something unusual.
But avoid uncertainty.
3 - "The Empress." Year presents you with an incredible opportunity in the creative abilities. Write poetry, draw, sing and create. Succeed. Your life force at the peak of the possible.
But do not skimp emotions. Do not hold back the joy. Do not be afraid to seem frivolous.
4 - "The Emperor." Necessary to exercise the power of the will. You have to be persistent. You can get the power, you can get access to the power structure. If you clearly understand your purpose - you reach it. Strive for order and stability.
But beware of random connections, beware of strangers and do not get involved in questionable activities.
5 - "Priest." This year, you are provided with the support of the powers. You should have more faith, interested in magic. Demonstrate confidence and understanding to people, trust your intuition.
But this is the year in which much knowledge and many are mourning. Do not seek to understand all the details. You may be disappointed in the people.
6 - "Love." Happiness awaits you in personal relationships. You can just "swim" in love. Follow the dictates of the heart. Be faithful to friends, loved ones.
But do not try to change his wife, a husband, a devoted friend ... crash down everything, even what you were sure 100 percent.
7 - "Chariot". Take courage in achieving the goal. This year's result is important. In overcoming obstacles visible ultimate goal. Your persistence will bring you benefits in all aspects of life.
not show cowardice. Be careful not to himself, not on the people to show their concerns and fears.
8 - "Justice". In the coming year for you, as ever, it is important to exercise justice. Be responsible, as in his promises, and in actions. Try to find all the "golden mean."
You can not be biased, and otherwise to attract many enemies.
9 - "Cabin Fever." This year is important to you spiritual search and spiritual development. Pay attention to the signs of destiny. Pay attention to the signs. All this will help you in making the right decisions and making the important actions. Absorbed in himself, in his inner world.
Beware "pochevat on our laurels." Peace in this year you contraindicated.
10 - "Wheel of Fortune." Year bring you success in everything, but you need to rely on your luck. If luck accompanies you, or did you spend the encoding of luck for this year, you will achieve all you want. Wait fateful happy situations.
But if you are unlucky in life, you have to hard. Very hard.
11 - "The Power". You must have the moral strength in the coming year. Care should be morality. If you live according to conscience (in your terms), you'll have everything you want. Do not hesitate to get involved. Your dedication will reward you with divine fruit.
Do not engage in "battle." This year, they will not need them. And so you win.
12 - "The Hanged Man". Can occur throughout the revolution of values. Get married, parents, children, change jobs, change the image. Year of change, but good change. Try to discard what does not give you tangible results. Fantasies and unfounded hopes leave last year.
Do not cling to obsolete, for the past. All that did not produce results in the past year, will be only "stealing" your time and effort.
13 - "Death" (or, in another interpretation - "Reaper"). You will receive a radical restructuring and great changes. You are on the top. You have entered the stage of implementation of the desired.
Do not be afraid of change. Do not be afraid of the future.
14 - "moderation". Love yourself and others. In that order. Dedicate a year currently. Poteshte ambitions, congratulate yourself and others will believe you.
careful with any, even the smallest, health problems. You can not run even the most basic common cold.
15 - "The Devil." Offers many temptations. You can "test", but within the permissible and decency. You will be in this year endowed with magical magnetism, use their talents.
not to become dependent on anyone else.
16 - "The Tower". Stages of life will change, get ready for a great shock. They are inevitable, but the willingness to them will help you pass the crisis with minimal losses.
Try do not attract the changes.
17 - "Star". Your hopes come true. Get ready for a long-term development prospects. Look forward to happiness and success.
Beware of taking what does not belong to you.
18 - "The Moon." It will be easy to find a common language with people. Your developed intuition will help you make the right decisions. Be non-judgmental. Try to find ways to improve career.
Beware exhibit excessive emotionalism.
19 - "The Sun". Strengthen your self-confidence, increase self-esteem. Be joyous, travel. You will be resourceful. You will tend to a good sense of humor.
Beware of gambling, do not waste time in the hope of winning.
20 - "The Court." Refuse dogmas, build life on their own standards. Strive to know the truth. Discard the past misconceptions and dogmas.
Lack of sleep this year, bad for the health.
21 - "The World." You will find heaven on earth. You will be a hero to many. In all situations, even the most obnoxious, you expect a happy ending.
Alcohol will bring you a lot of trouble.
22 - "Fool." Be open, non-judgmental. You are led by higher powers, you all will turn out.
Avoid obsessing curiosity.
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